Analysis and comparison of reflex times and electromyogram of cervical muscles under impact loading using surface and fine-wire electrodes

Myoelectric signals [electromyograms (EMGs)] can be collected using either surface or fine-wire electrodes. Application of the latter results in higher-frequency contents of EMG. In the field of impact biomechanics, surface electrodes are more often utilized than fine-wire ones. However, the removal of motion artefacts from EMG recorded under transient loads requires application of high-pass filters with relatively high cutoff frequencies, which may eliminate a significant part of the surface EMG power spectra. Therefore, in the current study, both surface and fine-wire electrodes were utilized to record the EMG of cervical muscles under conditions simulating a rear-end car collision at low speed. The results indicated that application of high-pass filtering at 50 Hz can be necessary to remove motion artefacts from the EMG collected under such conditions. Such filtering resulted in a higher decrease in amplitude of the surface EMG than that of the fine-wire one. However, the reflex times obtained here were not significantly affected by the type of the electrodes utilized to collect EMG.