This paper analyzes the dynamics of a long tether connecting two spacecraft in earth orbit, one of the spacecraft having dominant mass. In particular, it considers the material damping of the tether. The nominal position of the tether is stabilized by the gravity gradient such that it is aligned with the local vertical. The tether is modeled as a viscoelastic flexible continuum. Modal frequencies are derived in an analytical approximation form. Damping ratios are estimated according to the linear model calibrated by ground measurements. The results show that, with properly chosen tether material and braiding structure, longitudinal vibrations of the tethered system are well damped.
L. Meirovitch.
Analytical Methods in Vibrations
M. Kaplan.
Modern Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
J. D. Powell,et al.
Attitude control of tethered spacecraft
A. Sinopoli,et al.
A continuous model for tether elastic vibrations in TSS
D. D. Lang,et al.
Operations with tethered space vehicles
Mario L. Cosmo,et al.
Wave propagation in the Tether Elevator/Crawler System
L. S. Marshall,et al.
Design and fabrication of the 20 km/10 kV electromechanical tether for TSS-1 using high impact conductor (Hiwire)