New and revised ultraviolet energy distributions ar presented based on 97 IUE spectra of 31 early-type galaxies and the bulge of M31. Based on optical spectra and morphology, the sample galaxies are divided into star-forming galaxies, active galaxies, and quiescent galaxies. A well-defined nonlinear relationship between (1550-V) color and Mg2 for the 24 quiescent galaxies is obtained. The ultraviolet spectra of these galaxies can be modeled as a sum of two components: a normal, cool stellar population of main-sequence and giant branch stars that is redder at high Mg2, plus a very blue population having a steeply rising UV flux below 2000 A that increases in strength with metallicity. The UV spectra of star-forming galaxies are significantly flatter than the very blue component of quiescent galxies and are consistent with aging bursts of star formation. Two sample population models are explored for the blue stellar component of quiescent galaxies: postasymptotic giant branch stars and young stars from continuing star formation. 63 references.