A look back for future geotechnics

Biotechnical slope protection and erosion control, D.H. Gray ground behaviour during earthquake and its effects on foundation piles, K. Ishihara the leaning Tower of Pisa - present situation, M.B. Jamiolkowski structure - medium dynamic interaction, Z.-P. Liao deep compaction of granular soil, K.R. Massarsch The fourth tidal wave of geotechnical engineering, Q.-H. Qian recipe to define near-field earthquake motion for structural design, T. Sato environmental geotechnical problems caused by underground engineering activities, J. Sun quay walls of the port of Rotterdam, A.F. van Tol vibration screening with wave barriers, R.D. Woods Rayleigh wave dispersion and its applications, S.-M. Wu Morphology, ageing and engineering behaviour of sands, J.Th. Yudhbir, A. Rahim.