Learner challenges and situated learning: Engaging students at Sydney Olympic Park

In this paper, a new approach to school excursions is described in the development of a School Excursion Education Program at Sydney Olympic Park. Best known as the location of the Olympic Games in 2000, the Park has a wealth of opportunities for the examination of a range of issues other than sport, such as natural environments, endangered species, pollution and toxic waste disposal, Aboriginal significance, sustainable housing, and design and technology in the built environment. This paper describes the design and development to date of an excursion program for schools based on constructivist philosophy, situated learning theory and the use of technology to create a meaningful and effective learning environment for the sustained examination of significant issues. Essentially, the paper is a case study of how place and technology can be connected within a specific learning context, and how onsite technology 'pods' and other web engagements are designed to support complex learner challenges.