Relationship between tremor and volcanic activity during the Southeast Crater eruption on Mount Etna in early 2000

[1] The Southeast Crater of Mount Etna (Italy) was characterized by a violent eruptive activity between 26 January and 24 June 2000. This activity produced 64 lava fountain episodes with repose periods from 3 hours to 10 days. We estimated a volume of about 15–20 × 106 m3 lava and at least 2–3 × 106 m3 of tephra. We compared the paroxysmal volcanic activity to its associated seismic signature: The high number of events highlighted a strict correlation between tremor and volcanic activity. Seismic and volcanic characteristics, such as the frequency of occurrence, the duration of lava fountains and the associated tremor energy, suggested the subdivision of the studied period into two stages separated by the 20 February event. Combining volcanic with seismic data, we observed some useful relationships among lava fountain height, sustained column height and Reduced Displacement; in addition, we found that the entire episode was well correlated with the duration of the amplitude increase. Computing the tremor energy linked to each event, the total energy associated with lava fountains episodes results in 76% of the energy released during the whole period. Finally, the different ratios among the overall spectral amplitude of the seismic signals of the stations located at different altitudes suggested to us the elaboration of a simple qualitative model to explain the dynamic behavior of the tremor source during the whole episode.

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