포의 실증적 분석에 관한 연구
In this study I purpose a new approach to the study of Korean costume history which includes a statistical method used in the practical measurement of excavated Po`s and the analysis of their quantitative changes. In the framework used in this study, I depend on the nineteen variables picked out from the typological and chronological analysis of excavated clothes. The interrelationship of the variables as well as the standard of each part and its deviation in other forms are my main concern. Other methods are also very useful in my thesis : Correlation analysis, Regression analysis, Discrimination analysis, Cluster analysis, Factor analysis, One way analysis of variance. The findings of my study can be summarized as follows : 1. Every type of Po has a general tendency to have more broadened sleeves, while is does not show any considerable changes in the total length and in the width of armholes. 2. In the Correlation analysis, each part of Po`s is handled separately according to its chronology and type. The Regression analysis makes it possible to provide the sizes of missing parts in excavated clothes and the unmerical value of each part needed in the pattern making. 3. The Discrimination analysis of the Po`s whoes types are unknown leads to the conclusion that Chongsam and Chikryong Po are classified into Chikryong Po whereas Hongui is classified into Jooui. In addition, I propose discriminational fuction by which the age classification is possible, discovering the variables associated with time change. 4. Five items-General Park`s clothes, Taewongun`s clothes and three others produced later for the purpose of preserving Korean costume, are proved to be in a different group and hence analyzed separately in the visual grouping of changui, which is done after the cluster analysis and the factor analysis. 5. The results of the one way anaylsis of variance reveal that there is a difference in each part form period : the back width, the sleeve length, the sleeve width, the lean figure, the breasttie length, the breasttie width, outside quesset upper, inside quesset lower, outside neckband length, indsideneckband length etc.