Endoscopic Transnasal Antrochoanal Polypectomy: An Alternative to the Transantral Approach

The use of functional endoscopic sinus surgery has been limited typically to management of chronic sinusitis, nasal polyposis, and recurrent acute sinusitis. Antrochoanal polyps (ACPs) traditionally have been resected using a Caldwell-Luc sinusotomy. We used the endoscopic approach, however, in the treatment of five cases of ACP. There was recurrence in one case, but the polyp was successfully removed endoscopically. In the other four cases there has been no evidence of recurrence at a maximum follow-up of 24 months. We believe that transnasal endoscopic antrochoanal polypectomy is an excellent surgical option; there is significantly less postoperative morbidity than with the transantral approach, and rates of complete cure are similar.