Design and testing of a high frequency air-cored resonance transformer

This paper has focussed on the step-by-step design of a high frequency air-cored resonance transformer commonly called Tesla coil. This work concentrates on the design and construction of a medium sized (1-3 kW) versatile Tesla coil that can be easily used for measurements and general research. The task is, therefore, to minimise the number of stochastic and unknown parameters influencing the device functionality and pointing out pros and cons of each solution. The physical dimension of the Tesla transformer has been chosen for the design purpose pursuing the accomplishment of an undergraduate project and also the availability of the regarding components in Bangladesh. This design has mainly two units' viz., a power supply and Tesla coil. The power supply which fed the Tesla coil having voltage rating 12 kV and current rating 120 mA has been designed by using three microwave oven components, i.e., microwave oven transformers (2.1 kV), capacitors (2,100 V, 1 μF), diodes (1N4003) each are two in numbers. These components are assembled as dual MOTs voltage doublers circuit. And necessary simulation has been performed by using MicroSim schematics.