Summary The region is homo-axial; the plunge of the fold-axes is to the south-east at nearly 30°. A profile nearly seven miles deep has been constructed by the use of the axial method of tectonic analysis developed by Lugeon, Argand, Wegmann, and others. This profile shows the tectonic relations of the Grantown Series, the Moine, and the Dalradian. Given the profile and the plunge, the general dips can be predicted; these coincide with the observed data. Metamorphism grades from phyllites to migmatites from the highest levels to the deepest. The majority, if not all, of the contacts are tectonic. Gigantic tectonic inclusions of Moine swim in the Dalradian; it is possible that similar inclusions of Dalradian occur in the Moine. The Moine and Dalradian suffered the same movement, the sense of which appears to have been towards the south-west. Lineation is perpendicular to this direction.
D. McIntyre.
Note on Two Lineated Tectonites from Strathavon, Banffshire
Geological Magazine.
F. C. Phillips.
Lineation in Moinian and Lewisian Rocks of the Northern Highlands of Scotland
Geological Magazine.
E. M. Anderson.
On lineation and petrofabric structure, and the shearing movement by which they have been produced
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London.
A. Heim,et al.
Les nappes de recouvrement des Alpes pennines et leurs prolongements structuraux . Die grosse Eiszeit in der Nordschweiz . Zur Tektonik des Flysches in den östlichen Schweizeralpen . Beobachtungen aus der Wurzelregion der Glarnerfalten : (helvetischen Decken)