Distributed diagnostic system for tokamaks high-voltage power supply section

This paper describes recently developed system for diagnostics of high-voltage power supply section of tokamaks’. Such system is necessary for real-time monitoring of high-voltage power supply section with ability to perform automatic and fast decisions related to protection system. The system is distributed, allowing data acquisition of components installed away from the systems’ controller. Remote communication is based on fiber links. Main processing units are FPGA circuits. The system can pass-through analog and digital signals from local to remote or remote to local locations. In the main FPGA unit, independent user developed algorithms can be implemented. The system structure is based on the uTCA standard. The micro TCA crate controller is implemented as PC unit in AMC standard. Communication is based on gigabit transceivers providing low-latency of data transmission. The system is working with specialized diagnostics and control software. The graphical user interface is provided for the end user. Several tests were made in term of data latency, proper signal transmission and system control.