Global Constructions of Multicultural Education : Theories and Realities

Contents: J. Spring, Foreword. Preface. C. Allemann-Ghionda, Sociocultural and Linguistic Diversity, Educational Theory, and the Consequences for Teacher Education: A Comparative Perspective. D. Cahill, The Rise and Fall of Multicultural Education in the Australian Schooling System. S.D. Chakravarty, Multicultural Education in India. I. Dussel, What Can Multiculturalism Tell Us About Difference? The Reception of Multicultural Discourses in France and Argentina. C-M. Huang, Fashion or Compensation: The Developments of Multicultural Education in Taiwan. L. Huss, Language, Culture, and Identity in the Schools of Northern Scandinavia. A.M. Hypolito, Multiracial Reality, White Data: The Hidden Relations of the Racial Democracy and Education in Brazil. C.E. James, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Education in the Canadian Context: The Search for an Inclusive Pedagogy. J.L. Lei, C.A. Grant, Multicultural Education in the United States: A Case of Paradoxical Equality. M.A. Santos-Rego, S. Perez-Dominguez, Intercultural Education in the European Union: The Spanish Case. J. Sarkin, Post-Apartheid Education in South Africa: Toward Multiculturalism or Anti-Racism. P. Swarts, L.O. Dahlstrom, Color Me Black, Color Me White: Teacher Education in the Aftermath of the Apartheid Era--In Search of a Critical Multicultural Perspective Among a Complexity of Contradictions. H. Tomlinson, International Perspectives on Education: The Response of the Mother Country. C.A. Torres, Education, Social Class, and Dual Citizenship: The Travails of Multiculturalism in Latin America. G. Williamson C.C. Montecinos, Addressing Equity and Social Justice Concerns in Chile's Formal and Informal Education: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis.