The Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey

We present additional and revised IRAS diameters and albedos for the 1992 IRAS Minor Planet Survey (IMPS). Using orbital elements for 26,791 numbered asteroids, we found 2228 different multiply observed asteroids associated with IRAS sources, an increase of 432 (24%) over IMPS. The IRAS sample of small asteroids, diameters D < 20.0 km, has increased by 72% (from 306 to 526), the sample of Jupiter Trojan asteroids by 77% (from 39 to 69), and the sample of small Trojan asteroids (D < 80 km) by nearly a factor of 3 (from nine to 26). We present the entire Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey data set, describe how it was created, compare it with the IMPS data set, and estimate how many more asteroids remain to be found in the IRAS data.