Logic, Language, and Reasoning Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay

Preface. 'I am a logic' D. Gabbay. Research Themes of Dov Gabbay. Proofs, Labels and Dynamics in Natural Language J. van Benthem. What a Linguist Might Want From a Logic of MOST and Other Generalized Quantifiers H. Kamp. Imperative History: Two-dimensional Executable Temporal Logic M. Finger, M. Reynolds. Diagrammatic Reasoning in Projective Geometry P. Balbiani, L.F. del Cerro. On Sentences of the Kind 'Sentence 'p' is About Topic t' R. Demolombe, A.J.I. Jones. Two Traditions in the Logic of Belief: Bringing them Together K. Segerberg. Elimination of Predicate Quantifiers A. Nonnengart, et al. Labelled Natural Deduction R.J.G.B. de Queiroz, D.M. Gabby. A General Reasoning Scheme for Underspecified Representations E. Konig, U. Reyle. Deductive Systems and Categories in Linguistics J. Lambek. Towards a Procedural Model of Natural-language Interpretation Crossover: A Case Study R. Kempson. Transformation Methods in LDS K. Broda, et al. Labelled Deduction in the Composition of Form and Meaning M. Moortgat. Formalisms for Non-formal Languages J.M. Moravcsik. Names Index. Index.