Glubran2 surgical glue: in vitro evaluation of adhesive and mechanical properties.

BACKGROUND In surgical and endoscopic procedures, tissue adhesives are commonly used as reinforcement of sutures or as bonding and hemostatic agents. Fibrin glues do not guarantee adequate properties for many clinical applications; on the contrary, cyanoacrylate glues guarantee high bonding strength between biologic tissues. The aim of this study was to provide evidence regarding adhesive and strength properties of a widely used cyanoacrylate glue, Glubran2, GEM s.r.l., Viareggio, Italy. Comparative tests were also carried out on a commercial fibrin glue. MATERIAL AND METHODS Glubran2 is a modified n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue approved for internal and external use, in Europe. The glue, on contact with living tissues polymerizes rapidly, generating a film that guarantees firm adherence of tissues. In this study, adhesive properties on biologic substrates, both of Glubran2 and of fibrin glue, were investigated according to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, while their strength, after polymerization on an inert substrate, was investigated according to Deutsches Institut Für Normung (DIN) standards. RESULTS All tests evidenced a strong bonding capability of Glubran2 on biologic tissues and high tensile strength of polymerized film; high breaking strength of polymerized glue was highlighted by tensile tests. CONCLUSION The present study fills the gap concerning Glubran2 adhesive and tensile properties. All tests showed the intrinsic tensile strength of polymerized Glubran2 and its capability to realize a higher-resistance bonding among biologic tissues, in comparison with fibrin glue, giving strong indication of its usefulness in surgical and endoscopic practice, especially in a wet environment.