Dry-etching and characterization of mirrors on III-nitride laser diodes from chemically assisted ion beam etching

Abstract Vertical mirrors have been fabricated with chemically assisted ion beam etching (CAIBE) on OMVPE grown InGaN/AlGaN laser diode structures. AFM measurements show that smooth vertical sidewalls are obtained which exhibit a root mean squared (rms) roughness of only 40–60 A. The inclination angle of the etched mirrors is within ±2° of vertical, as SEM studies indicate. Photopumping measurements reveal that the reflectivity of the etched mirrors corresponds to 60–70% of the value for an ideal GaN/air interface. The reduced reflectivity may be due to surface roughness, a slight tilt in the facet angle, and the excitation of higher-order transverse waveguide modes in the laser structure.