A Comprehensive Analysis of Spoofing
The main intention of writing this paper is to enable the students, computer users and novice researchers about spoofing attacks. Spoofing means impersonating another person or computer, usually by providing false information (E-mail name, URL or IP address). Spoofing can take on many forms in the computer world, all of which involve some type false representation of information. There are a variety of methods and types of spoofing. We would like to introduce and explain following spoofing attacks in this paper: IP, ARP, E-Mail, Web, and DNS spoofing. There are no legal or constructive uses for implementing spoofing of any type. Some of the outcomes might be sport, theft, vindication or some other malicious goal. The magnitude of these attacks can be very severe; can cost us millions of dollars. This Paper describes about various spoofing types and gives a small view on detection and prevention of spoofing attacks.
[1] Anat Bremler-Barr,et al. Spoofing prevention method , 2005, Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies..