[Practical aspects of indirect calorimetry in post-anesthesia recovery].
The application of indirect calorimetry among intensive care patients is usually considered as a complicate technique, owing to the difficulties to interpret the bulk of obtained data. As a matter of fact, the variability of energy expenditure (EE) among these patients leads to prefer continuous measurements. This variability is related to interindividual variations as well as variations in the same patient (variations due to body temperature, activity state, diet-induced thermogenesis...). A computer program of data storage and calculations was developed. It allows: on-line storage as well as numerical and graphic display of VO2, VCO2, RQ and EE; menu-driven storage of all occurring events; automatic suppression of the recordings made after ventilator alarms; graphic printing and metabolic calculations. The two main indications for indirect calorimetry are the determination of actual EE and VO2 monitoring in acute states.