A new generalized mechanism of secure internetworked information service creation for future personal communication networks .II

For pt. I see Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Community Networking, San Francisco, California, USA, July 13-14, 1994. The main purpose of this paper is to finish the construction of a new generalized mechanism of secure internetworked information service creation on future BISDN and wireless network-based PCN, to analyze the protocols of our mechanism, and to prove their correctness. The mechanism can be considered as a general approach for creating many different kinds of information services for PCS. In addition, this new generalized mechanism associated with the information management system on the user-side end system proposed by Kuo (see NAB HDTV World Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, Apr. 15-18, 1991, and Apr. 13-16, 1992) as a whole can provide secure PCS universally.<<ETX>>