Biological Flora of the British Isles: Ambrosia artemisiifolia

This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Common ragweed) that are relevant to understanding its ecology. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the Biological Flora of the British Isles: distribution, habitat, communities, responses to biotic factors, responses to environment, structure and physiology, phenology, floral and seed characters, herbivores and disease, and history, conservation, impacts and management. Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a monoecious, wind‐pollinated, annual herb native to North America whose height varies from 10 cm to 2.5 m, according to environmental conditions. It has erect, branched stems and pinnately lobed leaves. Spike‐like racemes of male capitula composed of staminate (male) florets terminate the stems, while cyme‐like clusters of pistillate (female) florets are arranged in groups in the axils of main and lateral stem leaves. Seeds require prolonged chilling to break dormancy. Following seedling emergence in spring, the rate of vegetative growth depends on temperature, but development occurs over a wide thermal range. In temperate European climates, male and female flowers are produced from summer to early autumn (July to October). Ambrosia artemisiifolia is sensitive to freezing. Late spring frosts kill seedlings and the first autumn frosts terminate the growing season. It has a preference for dry soils of intermediate to rich nutrient level. Ambrosia artemisiifolia was introduced into Europe with seed imports from North America in the 19th century. Since World War II, it has become widespread in temperate regions of Europe and is now abundant in open, disturbed habitats as a ruderal and agricultural weed. Recently, the North American ragweed leaf beetle (Ophraella communa) has been detected in southern Switzerland and northern Italy. This species appears to have the capacity to substantially reduce growth and seed production of A. artemisiifolia. In heavily infested regions of Europe, A. artemisiifolia causes substantial crop‐yield losses and its copious, highly allergenic pollen creates considerable public health problems. There is a consensus among models that climate change will allow its northward and uphill spread in Europe.

[1]  K. Fiedler,et al.  Fine-tuning of a mowing regime, a method for the management of the invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, at different population densities. , 2014 .

[2]  K. Fiedler,et al.  Management of roadside populations of invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia by mowing , 2014 .

[3]  Antoine Guisan,et al.  Unifying niche shift studies: insights from biological invasions. , 2014, Trends in ecology & evolution.

[4]  Wolfgang Nentwig,et al.  A Unified Classification of Alien Species Based on the Magnitude of their Environmental Impacts , 2014, PLoS biology.

[5]  H. Müller-Schärer,et al.  Ophraella communa, the ragweed leaf beetle, has successfully landed in Europe: fortunate coincidence or threat? , 2014 .

[6]  M. Gilbert,et al.  Herbarium specimens reveal a historical shift in phylogeographic structure of common ragweed during native range disturbance , 2014, Molecular ecology.

[7]  F. Ferreira,et al.  Allergens of weed pollen: an overview on recombinant and natural molecules. , 2014, Methods.

[8]  Mikhail A. Semenov,et al.  A Process-Based Approach to Predicting the Effect of Climate Change on the Distribution of an Invasive Allergenic Plant in Europe , 2014, PloS one.

[9]  O. Tackenberg,et al.  Phenotypic variation of 38 European Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations measured in a common garden experiment , 2014, Biological Invasions.

[10]  A. Fenesi,et al.  Fine-tuned ability to predict future competitive environment in Ambrosia artemisiifolia seeds. , 2014 .

[11]  Franz Essl,et al.  Phenology predicts the native and invasive range limits of common ragweed , 2014, Global change biology.

[12]  I. Heap,et al.  Herbicide Resistant Weeds , 2019, EDIS.

[13]  Pierre Gosselin,et al.  Development of a Remote Sensing-Based Method to Map Likelihood of Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Presence in Urban Areas , 2014, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

[14]  F. Panetta,et al.  Impact of invasive plants in Mediterranean habitats: disentangling the effects of characteristics of invaders and recipient communities , 2014, Biological Invasions.

[15]  M. Sofiev,et al.  An operational model for forecasting ragweed pollen release and dispersion in Europe , 2013 .

[16]  A. Ferrero,et al.  Allelopathic effects of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the invasive process , 2013 .

[17]  Michael Leitner,et al.  Spread of invasive ragweed: climate change, management and how to reduce allergy costs. , 2013 .

[18]  O. Tackenberg,et al.  Germination and seedling frost tolerance differ between the native and invasive range in common ragweed , 2013, Oecologia.

[19]  L. Cecchi,et al.  Common ragweed: a threat to environmental health in Europe. , 2013, Environment international.


[21]  C. Skjøth,et al.  A Mechanism For Long Distance Transport of Ambrosia Pollen From the Pannonian Plain , 2013 .

[22]  P. Karácsony,et al.  Relating Ambrosia artemisiifolia and other weeds to the management of Hungarian sunflower crops , 2013, Journal of Pest Science.

[23]  O. Tackenberg,et al.  Range expansion of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe is promoted by climate change. , 2013 .

[24]  N. Colbach,et al.  Assessing potential germination period of weeds with base temperatures and base water potentials , 2013 .

[25]  F. Dessaint,et al.  Invasive and native populations of common ragweed exhibit strong tolerance to foliar damage. , 2013 .

[26]  Matthias C. Wichmann,et al.  Human-Mediated Dispersal of Seeds by the Airflow of Vehicles , 2013, PloS one.

[27]  B. Petitpierre Using environmental niche modeling to understand biological invasions in a changing world , 2013 .

[28]  Daniela JacobJuliane,et al.  EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research , 2013 .

[29]  D. Moser,et al.  Invasion dynamics of three allergenic invasive Asteraceae (Ambrosia trifida, Artemisia annua, Iva xanthiifolia) in central and eastern Europe. , 2013 .

[30]  P. Mason,et al.  Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., common ragweed (Asteraceae). , 2013 .

[31]  S. Dullinger,et al.  How to account for habitat suitability in weed management programmes? , 2013, Biological Invasions.

[32]  J. Bullock Assessing and controlling the spread and the effects of common ragweed in Europe. , 2012 .

[33]  J. Klironomos,et al.  Plant Kin Recognition Enhances Abundance of Symbiotic Microbial Partner , 2012, PloS one.

[34]  R. Richter,et al.  How to account for habitat suitability in weed management programmes? , 2012, Biological Invasions.

[35]  Ryan M. Lee,et al.  Characterization of a Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Population Resistant to ALS- and PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides , 2012, Weed Science.

[36]  A. Datta,et al.  Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) dry matter allocation and partitioning under different nitrogen and density levels , 2012 .

[37]  Robert L. Nichols,et al.  Changes in the Prevalence of Weed Species in the Major Agronomic Crops of the Southern United States: 1994/1995 to 2008/2009 , 2012, Weed Science.

[38]  F. Batič,et al.  The influence of nitrogen, water and competition on the vegetative and reproductive growth of common ragweed (Ambrosiaartemisiifolia L.) , 2012, Plant Ecology.

[39]  Antoine Guisan,et al.  Climatic Niche Shifts Are Rare Among Terrestrial Plant Invaders , 2012, Science.

[40]  Da‐Yong Zhang,et al.  No Evolutionary Shift in the Mating System of North American Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae) Following Its Introduction to China , 2012, PloS one.

[41]  Isabelle Reginster,et al.  Scenarios for investigating risks to biodiversity , 2012 .

[42]  P. Acevedo-Rodríguez,et al.  Catalogue of Seed Plants of the West Indies , 2012 .

[43]  H. Müller-Schärer,et al.  Prospects for biological control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe: learning from the past , 2011 .

[44]  B. Chauvel,et al.  Effects of the seed weight and burial depth on the seed behavior of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) , 2011 .

[45]  L. Rieseberg,et al.  Genetic differentiation in life‐history traits of introduced and native common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations , 2011, Journal of evolutionary biology.

[46]  B. Wüthrich,et al.  Time lag between Ambrosia sensitisation and Ambrosia allergy: a 20-year study (1989-2008) in Legnano, northern Italy. , 2011, Swiss medical weekly.

[47]  M. Fay,et al.  New flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed , 2011 .

[48]  F. Wan,et al.  Control efficiency of leaf beetle, Ophraella communa, on the invasive common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, at different growing stages , 2011 .

[49]  S. Barrett,et al.  GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OF TEMPORAL AND SIZE‐DEPENDENT SEX ALLOCATION IN A WIND‐POLLINATED PLANT , 2011, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

[50]  C. Lavoie,et al.  Paving the Way for Invasive Species: Road Type and the Spread of Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) , 2011, Environmental management.

[51]  A. Ferrero,et al.  Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Growth as Affected by Plant Density and Clipping , 2011, Weed Technology.

[52]  R. Lösch,et al.  Biomass development and CO2 gas exchange of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. under different soil moisture conditions. , 2011 .

[53]  J. Axmacher,et al.  Germination and emergence of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. under changing environmental conditions in China , 2011 .

[54]  V. Le Corre,et al.  Adaptive divergence for a fitness‐related trait among invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations in France , 2011, Molecular ecology.

[55]  T. Giraud,et al.  Nuclear and Chloroplast Microsatellites Show Multiple Introductions in the Worldwide Invasion History of Common Ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia , 2011, PloS one.

[56]  Jonathan A. Patz,et al.  Recent warming by latitude associated with increased length of ragweed pollen season in central North America , 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[57]  S. Orlović,et al.  The first finding of Ponometia candefacta (Hübner, 1831) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Serbia. , 2011 .

[58]  D. Šoljan Sedum sarmentosum Bunge (Crassulaceae), an allochthonous species in the flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina. , 2011 .

[59]  B. Tokarska-Guzik,et al.  Allergenic invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Poland: threat and selected aspects of biology , 2011 .

[60]  A. Szalai,et al.  Allelopathic effects of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) on cultivated plants. , 2011, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences.

[61]  T. Giraud,et al.  Distinct invasion sources of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Eastern and Western Europe , 2011, Biological Invasions.

[62]  B. Chauvel,et al.  Sensitivity of Ambrosia artemisiifolia to glufosinate and glyphosate at various developmental stages , 2010 .

[63]  G. Brush,et al.  Anthesis synchronization and floral morphology determine diurnal patterns of ragweed pollen dispersal , 2010 .

[64]  H. Meiss Diversifying crop rotations with temporary grasslands : potentials for weed mangement and farmland biodiversity , 2010 .

[65]  Marie-Josée Simard,et al.  Distribution and abundance of an allergenic weed, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), in rural settings of southern Quebec, Canada. , 2010 .

[66]  L. Kiss,et al.  Early distribution and spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Central and Eastern Europe , 2010, Botanica Helvetica.

[67]  K. Barić,et al.  Distribution of invasive weed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Croatia. , 2010 .

[68]  F. Wan,et al.  Effects of Temperature on Survival, Development, Longevity, and Fecundity of Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a Potential Biological Control Agent Against Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asterales: Asteraceae) , 2010, Environmental entomology.

[69]  Efsa Panel on Dietetic Products Scientific Opinion on the effect on public or animal health or on the environment on the presence of seeds of Ambrosia spp. in animal feed , 2010 .

[70]  S. Orlandini,et al.  Long-distance transport of ragweed pollen does not induce new sensitizations in the short term , 2010 .

[71]  M. Nobis,et al.  Flora indicativa. Ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Ecological indicators values and biological attributes of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps , 2010 .

[72]  Wilfried Thuiller,et al.  Predicting potential distributions of invasive species: where to go from here? , 2010 .

[73]  J. Nitzsche Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Beifuß-Ambrosie) in Deutschland: Biologie der Art, Konkurrenzverhalten und Monitoring , 2010 .

[74]  F. Bretagnolle,et al.  Gene flow and population admixture as the primary post-invasion processes in common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations in France. , 2010, The New phytologist.

[75]  A. Sheppard,et al.  A review of Australian classical biological control of weeds programs and research activities over the past 12 years , 2010 .

[76]  L. Stadler,et al.  Integrating species distribution models and interacting particle systems to predict the spread of an invasive alien plant , 2010 .

[77]  P. Kotanen,et al.  Leaf damage has weak effects on growth and fecundity of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) , 2010 .

[78]  M. Nobis,et al.  Flora indicativa = Ecological inicator values and biological attributes of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps : ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen , 2010 .

[79]  V. Vladimirov,et al.  Suppressive effect of some forage plants on the growth of Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Iva xanthiifolia , 2010 .

[80]  I. Cernák,et al.  Molecular characterization of atrazine resistance in common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) , 2010, Journal of Applied Genetics.

[81]  L. R. Oliver,et al.  Confirmation and Resistance Mechanisms in Glyphosate-Resistant Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Arkansas , 2009, Weed Science.

[82]  G. Schröder,et al.  Untersuchungen zur Bekämpfung von Beifußblättriger Ambrosie (Ambrosia artemisiifolia  L.) mit herbiziden Wirkstoffen , 2009, Gesunde Pflanzen.

[83]  J. Bousquet,et al.  GA2LEN skin test study II: clinical relevance of inhalant allergen sensitizations in Europe , 2009, Allergy.

[84]  A. Pintye,et al.  First European Report of a Leaf Spot on Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Caused by a Phoma sp. , 2009, Plant disease.

[85]  T. Zuberbier,et al.  Ragweed sensitization in Europe – GA2LEN study suggests increasing prevalence 1 , 2009, Allergy.

[86]  C. Skjøth,et al.  The Pannonian plain as a source of Ambrosia pollen in the Balkans , 2009, International journal of biometeorology.

[87]  M. Lacko-Bartošová,et al.  Occurrence of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in field crops in the Slovak Republic. , 2009 .

[88]  Z. Basky Effect of native aphid species on the development of invasive ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia (L.) in Hungary. , 2009 .

[89]  E. Franz,et al.  Changes in the spatio-temporal patterns and habitat preferences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia during its invasion of Austria Změny v rozšíření a vazbě na stanoviště v průběhu invaze Ambrosia artemisiifolia v Rakousku , 2009 .

[90]  B. Kiss Phytophagous insects affecting common ragweed (Ambrosia artemissiifolia) in Hungary. , 2009 .

[91]  G. Kazinczi,et al.  Focusing again on common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). , 2009 .

[92]  A. Takács,et al.  Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a joint host of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and its vectors, Thrips tabci Lindeman and Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) in Hungary. , 2009 .

[93]  S. Dullinger,et al.  Changes in the spatio-temporal patterns and habitat preferences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia during its invasion of Austria. , 2009 .

[94]  P. Kotanen,et al.  Local escape of an invasive plant, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), from above‐ground and below‐ground enemies in its native area , 2008 .

[95]  F. Aberger,et al.  Array‐based profiling of ragweed and mugwort pollen allergens , 2008, Allergy.

[96]  C. Skjøth,et al.  Long-range transport of Ambrosia pollen to Poland , 2008 .

[97]  G. Fried,et al.  Can the large ecological amplitude of Ambrosia artemisiifolia explain its invasive success in France , 2008 .

[98]  L. Stadler,et al.  Modelling the spread of ragweed: Effects of habitat, climate change and diffusion , 2008 .

[99]  F. Bretagnolle,et al.  Seed-bank dynamics in the invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. , 2008, Seed Science Research.

[100]  S. Barrett,et al.  High outcrossing in the annual colonizing species Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). , 2008, Annals of botany.

[101]  D. Engle,et al.  Seed dispersal by Bison bison in a tallgrass prairie , 2008 .

[102]  G. Kazinczi,et al.  Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary. I. Taxonomy, origin and distribution, morphology, life cycle and reproduction strategy. , 2008 .

[103]  Dávid,et al.  Occurrence and feeding of hemipterans on common ragweed ( Ambrosia artemisiifolia ) in Hungary , 2008 .

[104]  C. Bohren,et al.  Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. - Control measures and their effects on its capacity of reproduction , 2008 .

[105]  M. Julien,et al.  The ragweed leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Russia: current distribution, abundance and implication for biological control of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. , 2008 .

[106]  S. Solujic,et al.  Chemical composition and biological activity of the acetone extract of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. pollen , 2008 .


[108]  C. Lavoie,et al.  How did common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) spread in Québec? A historical analysis using herbarium records , 2007 .

[109]  R. Asero The changing pattern of ragweed allergy in the area of Milan, Italy , 2007, Allergy.

[110]  L. Kiss,et al.  Why is biocontrol of common ragweed, the most allergenic weed in Eastern Europe, still only a hope? , 2007 .

[111]  B. Chauvel,et al.  Variability and cryptic heteromorphism of Ambrosia artemisiifolia seeds: What consequences for its invasion in France? , 2007, Annals of botany.

[112]  C. Skjøth,et al.  Examining Ambrosia pollen episodes at Poznań (Poland) using back-trajectory analysis , 2007, International journal of biometeorology.

[113]  D. Brandes,et al.  Verbreitung, Ökologie und Soziologie von Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Mitteleuropa , 2007 .

[114]  L. Kiss,et al.  Anthropogenic factors behind the recent population expansion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Eastern Europe: is there a correlation with political transitions? , 2006 .

[115]  B. Chauvel,et al.  Which role can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi play in the facilitation of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. invasion in France? , 2006, Mycorrhiza.

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[117]  B. Chauvel,et al.  The historical spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in France from herbarium records , 2006 .

[118]  B. Chauvel,et al.  Spray retention, foliar uptake and translocation of glufosinate and glyphosate in Ambrosia artemisiifolia , 2006 .

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[120]  G. Kazinczi,et al.  Competition between sunflower and Ambrosia artemisiifolia in additive experiments. , 2006 .

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