Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Selected papers from ICICE 2018

Engineering and Design Innovations are both academic and practical engineering fields that involve systematic technological materialization through scientific principles and engineering designs. Technological innovation by Electrical/Mechanical Engineering includes Information Technology (IT)-based Intelligent Electrical/Mechanical Systems, Electronics, Mechanics, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Design Innovations. IT-based Intelligent Systems, which implant intelligence to systems, is an interdisciplinary area combining conventional electrical/mechanical technology and new information technology. This special issue selected 3 papers from “7th IEEE International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering 2018 (IEEE ICICE 2018)”. The ultimate aim is to discover new scientific knowledge relevant to IT-based Intelligent Electrical/Mechanical Systems, Mechanics, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Design Innovations. As the Guest Editors of this special issue, we would like to thank all authors who have submitted papers to the special issue and express our deepest gratitude to the reviewers for taking the time to comment on the papers. We look forward to your participation in future special issues of Innovation, Communication and Engineering.