Single-beam Denisyuk holograms recording with pulsed 30Hz RGB laser

It is well known fact that holograms can be recorded either by continuous wave (CW) laser, or by single pulse coming from pulsed laser. However, multi-pulse or multiple-exposure holograms were used only in interferometry as well as for information storage. We have used Geola's single longitudinal mode pulsed RGB laser to record Denisyuk type holograms. We successfully recorded objects situated at the distance of more than 30cm, employing the multi-pulse working regime of the laser. To record Denisyuk hologram we have used 50 ns duration 440, 660nm wavelength and 35ns duration 532nm wavelength laser pulses at the repetition rate of 30Hz. As photosensitive medium we have used Slavich-Geola PFG-03C glass photoplate. Radiations with different wavelengths were mixed into "white" beam, collimated and directed onto the photoplate. For further objects illumination an additional flat silver coated mirror was used.