3D Positional Movement Interaction with User-Defined, Virtual Interface for Music Software: MoveMIDI

This paper describes progress made in design and development of a new digital musical instrument (MIDI controller), MoveMIDI, and highlights its unique 3D positional movement interaction design differing from recent orientational and gestural approaches. A user constructs and interacts with MoveMIDI's virtual, 3D interface using handheld position-tracked controllers to control music software, as well as non-musical technology such as stage lighting. MoveMIDI's virtual interface contributes to solving problems difficult to solve with hardware MIDI controller interfaces such as customized positioning and instantiation of interface elements, and accurate, simultaneous control of independent parameters. MoveMIDI's positional interaction mirrors interaction with some physical acoustic instruments and provides visualization for an audience. Beta testers of MoveMIDI have created emergent use cases for the instrument.