Risky Business: Communicating Issues of Science, Risk, and Public Policy, Lee Wilkins and Philip Patterson, 1991. Greenwood Press, Westport Press, Westport, CT. 256 pages. ISBN: 0-313-26601-8. $42.95

Foreword: Why Is Science Writing So Uncritical of Science? by Dorothy Nelkin Introduction by Lee Wilkins and Philip Patterson Risk Perceptions as Substance and Symbol by Robin Gregory Coming to Terms with the Impact of Communication on Scientific and Technological Risk Judgments by Sharon Dunwoody and Kurt Neuwirth Risk Management: The Public Versus the Technical Experts by Sharon M. Friedman Popularization vs. Secularization: Media Coverage of Health by Robert A. Logan The Stigma of Mental Illness: Labeling and Stereotyping in the News by Russell E. Shain and Julie Phillips Media Coverage of Technoloy Issues: Ethiopian Drought of 1984, AIDS, Challenger, and Chernobyl By Everett M. Rogers and Soon Bum Chang A Cross-Societal Comparison of Disaster News Reporting in Japan and the United States by E. L. Quarantelli and Dennis Wenger Organizational Communication and Technological Risks by Phillip K. Tompkins The Security of Secrecy by David M. Rubin A Case of Need: Media Coverage of Organ Transplants by Deni Elliott Science as Symbol: The Media Chills the Greenhouse Effect by Lee Wilkins and Philip Patterson Disasters and the Making of Political Careers by Sue O'Brien Conclusions by Lee Wilkins and Philip Patterson Bibliography Index