Argument structure as a locus for binding theory

Argumentstructureasalo catingbindingrelationshipsThecorrectlo cus(orlo ci)ofbindingtheoryhasb eenamattermuchdiscussion.Theoriescanb eseenasvaryingalongatleasttwodimensions.The rstiswhetherbindingtheorycon gurationallydetermined(thatis,thetheoryexploitsgeometryofaphrasemarker,ap-p ealingtosuchpurelystructuralnotionsasc-commandandgovernment)orwhetherthetheorydep endsratheronexaminingtherelationsb etweenitemsselectedbyapredicate(whereselectionIamintendingtocovereverythingfromsemanticdep endenciessyntacticsub cat-egorization).Thesecondisthelevelofgrammaronwhichbindingde ned.Attemptingtoroughlyequatelevelsacrossdi erenttheories,suggestionshaveincludedthesemantics/lexicalconceptualstructure(Jackendo 1992),thematic1972,Wilkins1988),ar-gumentstructure/D-structure/initialgrammaticalrelations(Manning1994,BellettiandRizzi1988,Perlmutter1984),surfacesyntax/grammaticalrelations,logicalform,linearorder,prag-matics(Levinson1991),anddiscourse(Iida1992).Thedataissucientlyvariedcomplexthatmanytheoriesendupasmixtures,variouslyemployingacombinationofelementsalongb othdimensions(forinstance,Chomsky(1986)reliespurelyoncon gurationalnotionsfortherelationshipb etweenananaphoranditstecedent,butusesconceptsfromselectioninthede nitionofthebindingdomainananaphor).LFGhasalwaysrejectedcon gurationalaccountofbinding.Forinstance,Simpson(1991)arguesthatacon gurationaltheoryofbindinginWarlpiricannotb emaintained,amongotherreasonsb ecause niteclauseslackaVP.Thesuggestionisratherthatbindingcanb eaccountedforatthelevelofgrammaticalrelations,bynotingthatsub jectscanbindob jects.IacceptargumentsofBresnan(lectures,1985{93),Wilkins(1988),Dalrymple(1993)andPollardSag(1994)infavourofatheorybindingbasedonselectionratherthancon gurations,butIwillhavelittlemoretosayonthismatter(sincenothinginparticularnewadd).Instead,Iwanttoconcentrateontheseconddimension.Thedominantraditionwithingenerativegrammarhasb eentoassumethatthenotionofsurfaceobliquenessidenti esthesub jectofaclause(whethercon gurationallyorbyanorderingondep endents)isalsousedforthecoreconditionsonreexivebinding.InLGB(Chomsky1981),bindingtheoryisde nedonS-structure,sothatin(1),Nancycanbindherselfduetothec-commandingcon gurationthatalsomakesNancythesub ject.(1)IPNPNancyiVPVgaveNPherselfiDetaNraise1

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