
With this issue we are beginning the 17th volume of the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV). When we first launched the journal, the question as to the need for another journal in the area of computer vision was raised. The founders of the journal felt that JMIV would fill a void in that articles would be judged on mathematical content. Its contributors and readership would consist of researchers and scientists interested in advancing the frontiers of imaging science and vision through the establishment of first principles and sound mathematical foundations. Emphasis would be placed on innovative or established mathematical techniques applied to vision and imaging problems in a novel way, as well as new developments in mathematics arising from these applications. Based on these aims, the journal would provide a forum for authors whose research was deemed too mathematical or too theoretical by journals emphasizing engineering, application, and implementation aspects, and at the same time too applied by many mathematics journals. Questions as to the success of such a journal were also raised. I am happy to say that JMIV has become the premier international journal in the area of mathematical methods in imaging and vision and we are attracting an ever growing audience. In this context it is worthwhile to note that the Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIAM) recently established a new activity group on imaging science (SIAG/IS) whose aims and scope mirrors that of JMIV. The first SIAM Imaging Conference organized by the SIAG/IS was held in Boston in March 2002. We hope that all the members of this new activity group will also become active participants in our journals efforts.