Abstract This paper presents an actual industrial application where a novel MILP based mixed-time formulation is implemented in a tailored software used in the daily production planning in the paper industry. The MISPT (Mixed Integer Strategic Planning Tool) is acting as an access point to various information systems at the factory. It uses information from the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system and other information systems and optimises the production planning. MISPT has a user friendly graphical user interface which helps the production planner to make daily decisions based on firm and precise facts instead of “educated guess”. The implemented novel MILP based mixed-time formulation is useful in the modelling of multi-stage multi-product production processes using intermediate storages with nonlinear optimal storage profiles, especially when ageing profiles in the storages are important. In the mixed-model a continuous time representation is incorporated in a uniformed time grid, combining valuable features from both continuous and discrete time models.
Christos T. Maravelias,et al.
Mixed-Time Representation for State-Task Network Models
K. Roberts,et al.
Joakim Westerlund,et al.
Mixed-Time Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Scheduling Model
Ignacio E. Grossmann,et al.
On the relation of continuous‐ and discrete‐time state–task network formulations
Joakim Westerlund,et al.
Strategic planning and design using MILP: an industrial application from the tissue manufacturing industry