Virtual Learning Environments.

Focusing on online learning opportunities in higher education, this paper reviews the various tools of virtual learning and electronic synchronous and asynchronous communication, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, presents strategies for their best use, and warns against potential pitfalls. Implementation issues, including cost and training requirements, are also discussed. An overview of Internet access and synchronous and asynchronous communication modes is provided. The following virtual learning tools are then described: World Wide Web pages, electronic mail, newsgroups, chat rooms, and videoconferencing. The paper concludes that the main challenge associated with virtual learning environments is to overcome the tendency to replicate traditional classroom practices in the virtual environment and to establish a more learner-centered curriculum. Four figures illustrate the Netscape Internet browser, Eudora Pro electronic mail software, newsgroups at Pepperdine University (California), and virtual meeting rooms. (AEF) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** Virtual Learning Environments Farzin Madjidi, Ed.D. H. Woodrow Hughes, Ph.D. Ruth N. Johnson, Ph.D. Kim Cary, Ed.D. (candidate) Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology Introduction Higher education in the past ten years has experienced tremendous growth in the number of working adults returning to school to seek college and graduate degrees. Colleges and universities, to better position themselves to participate in this market, have developed progiums speCifically designed for the needs of this segment of learners. Not too long ago many in academe would frown upon "off-site" programs; yet, today, even the most traditional institutions have adopted some form of distributed learning to meet the needs of their respective audiences. The 90s also witnessed a giant revolution in learning technology. The most powerful Personal Computers (PCs) became readily available at affordable prices. Soon, with the widespread use of Internet, information technology became a mainstay in higher education. A culture of "look it up on the Web" and "e-mail me" is beginning to replace going to libraries or even making telephone calls. The result of these two phenomena has been the emergence of a new approach to distance education, online learning. Colleges and universities are now offering a large number of online learning opportunities, from certificate programs to advanced graduate degrees. These programs, while varying a great deal in design, generally incorporate a number of electronic communication tools in their approaches. While the technology for these ventures is readily available, many colleges and universities are struggling with the best application of available technology to their teaching and learning environments. Even for faculty members who are not involved with online programs, the best use of technology still remains a mystery. Some have chosen to put their class material on web pages to be downloaded by students, some utilize electronic presentations to jazz up their lectures, others use electronic bulletin boards and e-mail, while the majority cautiously watch from the sidelines. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS (6 MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY F. Madjidi 0 CI( TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." 2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0 This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. ° Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. The purpose of this paper is to review the various tools of virtual learning and electronic synchronous and asynchronous communication, discuss their strength and weaknesses, and present strategies for their best use and warn against potential pitfalls. Finally, the paper will discuss implementation issues including cost and training requirements. Internet Access Almost all approaches suggested in this paper require access to the Internet. Access to the Internet can be provided either directly and inexpensively through educational institutions, or through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for around $20 a month for unlimited use. Once access to the Internet is established, a "Browser" software is required to allow searching, or is more popularly called, surfing the net. For this purpose, a number of browser packages are available, such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. These software packages allow searches on the Internet, downloading files, or gaining access to various Web sites. Basic browser software packages are generally provided for free through ISP and operating software manufacturers, or can be downloaded from the browser software manufacturer directly. Ede Erft Yiew fio Lorrmunmator fide giA Jamottj Reload Home Search Nett:cape Print Security Stop 'Bookmarks .14. 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