Performance measure of multi stage scheduling algorithm in cloud computing

Scheduling user requests in cloud computing for resource provision is key process in cloud computing. In cloud computing sometimes user request has to be processed with a series of virtual machines from the available resources. Each request ri (1<;=i<;=n) in cloud environment has to complete its workflow on a virtual machine of type VM1 for an instance of Ti1 units time, later on a virtual machine of type VM2 for an instance of Ti2 units of time, and so on, at end on a virtual machine of type VMm for an instance of Tim units of time. Scheduling the requests using FCFS scheduling has the highest Average waiting time and Total elapsed time. The present paper presents a novel approach in cloud computing for resource request scheduling by applying Johnson's Scheduling algorithm to reduce average waiting time and total elapsed time. The simulation results show the significant influence on average waiting time and total elapsed time.