Matrix modeling and remodeling: A biological interplay regulating tissue homeostasis and diseases.

The overall structure and architecture of the extracellular matrix undergo dramatic alterations in composition, form, and functionality over time. The stochasticity begins during development, essential for maintaining organismal homeostasis and is heavily implicated in many pathobiological states including fibrosis and cancer. Modeling and remodeling of the matrix is driven by the local cellular milieu and secreted and cell-associated components in a framework of dynamic reciprocity. This collection of expertly-written reviews aims to relay state-of-the-art information concerning the mechanisms of matrix modeling and remodeling in physiological development and disease.

[1]  A. Theocharis,et al.  Strategies to Target Matrix Metalloproteinases as Therapeutic Approach in Cancer. , 2018, Methods in molecular biology.

[2]  Chuan Wu,et al.  Endothelial basement membrane laminin α5 selectively inhibits T lymphocyte extravasation into the brain , 2009, Nature Medicine.

[3]  C. Overall,et al.  Cell surface chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan in melanoma: role in the activation of pro-MMP-2 (pro-gelatinase A). , 2007, The Biochemical journal.

[4]  S. Carr,et al.  The extracellular matrix: Tools and insights for the "omics" era. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[5]  Clayton J. Underwood,et al.  Effects of decorin proteoglycan on fibrillogenesis, ultrastructure, and mechanics of type I collagen gels. , 2013, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[6]  Shiguang Liu,et al.  Collagen IV diseases: A focus on the glomerular basement membrane in Alport syndrome. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[7]  B. Calabretta,et al.  Cooperative action of germ-line mutations in decorin and p53 accelerates lymphoma tumorigenesis. , 1999, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[8]  Shawn M. Sweeney,et al.  Endorepellin, a Novel Inhibitor of Angiogenesis Derived from the C Terminus of Perlecan* , 2003, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[9]  H. Mori,et al.  CD44 directs membrane‐type 1 matrix metalloproteinase to lamellipodia by associating with its hemopexin‐like domain , 2002, The EMBO journal.

[10]  D. Granville,et al.  Intracellular versus extracellular granzyme B in immunity and disease: challenging the dogma , 2009, Laboratory Investigation.

[11]  Wancai Yang,et al.  Genetic deficiency of decorin causes intestinal tumor formation through disruption of intestinal cell maturation. , 2008, Carcinogenesis.

[12]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Endostatin and endorepellin: A common route of action for similar angiostatic cancer avengers. , 2016, Advanced drug delivery reviews.

[13]  S. Gill,et al.  The role of TIMPs in regulation of extracellular matrix proteolysis. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[14]  J. Weisel,et al.  Compression-induced structural and mechanical changes of fibrin-collagen composites. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[15]  W. Aicher,et al.  Matrix metalloproteinases in stem cell mobilization. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[16]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Decorin Is a Biological Ligand for the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor* , 1999, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[17]  A. Pozzi,et al.  Integrin α2β1 Is the Required Receptor for Endorepellin Angiostatic Activity* , 2008, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[18]  W. Kao,et al.  Lumican Peptides: Rational Design Targeting ALK5/TGFBRI , 2017, Scientific Reports.

[19]  Vito Quaranta,et al.  Integrin alpha6 maintains the structural integrity of the kidney collecting system. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[20]  Louis J Soslowsky,et al.  Strain-rate sensitive mechanical properties of tendon fascicles from mice with genetically engineered alterations in collagen and decorin. , 2004, Journal of biomechanical engineering.

[21]  S. Ramakrishnan,et al.  Endostatin induces autophagy in endothelial cells by modulating Beclin 1 and β-catenin levels , 2009, Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.

[22]  J. Keski‐Oja,et al.  Secretion of active membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MMP‐14) into extracellular space in microvesicular exosomes , 2008, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

[23]  B. Hudson,et al.  Embryo implantation triggers dynamic spatiotemporal expression of the basement membrane toolkit during uterine reprogramming. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[24]  H. Nakanishi,et al.  A Novel Function of Syndecan-2, Suppression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activation, Which Causes Suppression of Metastasis* , 2007, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[25]  Sylvain D. Vallet,et al.  Proteases decode the extracellular matrix cryptome. , 2016, Biochimie.

[26]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Decorin as a multivalent therapeutic agent against cancer. , 2016, Advanced drug delivery reviews.

[27]  Mark R. Buckley,et al.  Decorin expression is important for age-related changes in tendon structure and mechanical properties. , 2013, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[28]  D. Keene,et al.  BMP1-like proteinases are essential to the structure and wound healing of skin. , 2016, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[29]  Renato V. Iozzo,et al.  Proteoglycan form and function: A comprehensive nomenclature of proteoglycans , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[30]  C. D’Souza-Schorey,et al.  The biology of extracellular microvesicles , 2018, Traffic.

[31]  R. Timpl,et al.  Perlecan Maintains the Integrity of Cartilage and Some Basement Membranes , 1999, The Journal of cell biology.

[32]  M. Young,et al.  Interclass small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan interactions regulate collagen fibrillogenesis and corneal stromal assembly. , 2014, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[33]  M. Hoffman,et al.  The function of heparan sulfate during branching morphogenesis. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[34]  Mark R. Buckley,et al.  The injury response of aged tendons in the absence of biglycan and decorin. , 2014, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[35]  R. Sanderson,et al.  Heparanase regulation of cancer, autophagy and inflammation: new mechanisms and targets for therapy , 2017, The FEBS journal.

[36]  Olga Vasiljeva,et al.  Cysteine cathepsins: From structure, function and regulation to new frontiers☆ , 2011, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics.

[37]  C. Overall,et al.  A critical role for the membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in collagen phagocytosis. , 2006, Molecular biology of the cell.

[38]  Michael J. Randles,et al.  Proteomic definitions of basement membrane composition in health and disease. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[39]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Basement membrane proteoglycans: Modulators Par Excellence of cancer growth and angiogenesis , 2009, Molecules and cells.

[40]  K. Camphausen,et al.  Endorepellin in vivo: targeting the tumor vasculature and retarding cancer growth and metabolism. , 2006, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

[41]  Wancai Yang,et al.  Decorin-mediated inhibition of colorectal cancer growth and migration is associated with E-cadherin in vitro and in mice. , 2012, Carcinogenesis.

[42]  Samuel A. Santoro,et al.  Endorepellin causes endothelial cell disassembly of actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesions through α2β1 integrin , 2004, The Journal of cell biology.

[43]  A. Varki,et al.  Rapid Trimming of Cell Surface Polysialic Acid (PolySia) by Exovesicular Sialidase Triggers Release of Preexisting Surface Neurotrophin* , 2015, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[44]  J. Heino,et al.  The binding capacity of α1β1-, α2β1- and α10β1-integrins depends on non-collagenous surface macromolecules rather than the collagens in cartilage fibrils. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[45]  D. Rifkin,et al.  Latent TGF-β-binding proteins. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[46]  M. Fonović,et al.  Cysteine cathepsins and extracellular matrix degradation. , 2014, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

[47]  R. Iozzo,et al.  BMP-1/Tolloid-like Metalloproteases Process Endorepellin, the Angiostatic C-terminal Fragment of Perlecan* , 2005, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[48]  L. Sorokin The impact of the extracellular matrix on inflammation , 2010, Nature Reviews Immunology.

[49]  A. Theocharis,et al.  Extracellular matrix structure. , 2016, Advanced drug delivery reviews.

[50]  S. Varambally,et al.  Chemotherapy induces secretion of exosomes loaded with heparanase that degrades extracellular matrix and impacts tumor and host cell behavior. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[51]  Jacopo Di Russo,et al.  Vascular laminins in physiology and pathology. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[52]  N. Karamanos,et al.  Tumor-suppressive functions of 4-MU on breast cancer cells of different ER status: Regulation of hyaluronan/HAS2/CD44 and specific matrix effectors. , 2019, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[53]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Extracellular matrix: The driving force of mammalian diseases. , 2018, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[54]  T. Yokoi,et al.  Matrix metalloproteinase-9 associated with heparan sulphate chains of GPI-anchored cell surface proteoglycans mediates motility of murine colon adenocarcinoma cells. , 2008, Journal of biochemistry.

[55]  Ashley C. Brown,et al.  The role of biophysical properties of provisional matrix proteins in wound repair. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[56]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Endorepellin remodels the endothelial transcriptome toward a pro-autophagic and pro-mitophagic gene signature , 2018, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[57]  Adam J Engler,et al.  The provisional matrix: setting the stage for tissue repair outcomes. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[58]  R. Khokha,et al.  Proteolytic factors in exosomes , 2013, Proteomics.

[59]  J. Quigley,et al.  Tumor angiogenesis: MMP-mediated induction of intravasation- and metastasis-sustaining neovasculature. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[60]  G. Opdenakker,et al.  Dystroglycan is selectively cleaved at the parenchymal basement membrane at sites of leukocyte extravasation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis , 2006, The Journal of experimental medicine.

[61]  W. Parks,et al.  Matrix remodeling by MMPs during wound repair. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[62]  S. Müller,et al.  Dissecting the interaction between tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3) and low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1): Development of a "TRAP" to increase levels of TIMP-3 in the tissue. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[63]  D. Turk,et al.  The Future of Cysteine Cathepsins in Disease Management. , 2017, Trends in pharmacological sciences.

[64]  R. Iozzo,et al.  EphA2 is a functional receptor for the growth factor progranulin , 2016, The Journal of cell biology.

[65]  A. Pozzi,et al.  The nature and biology of basement membranes. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[66]  D. Sørensen,et al.  Endostatin dramatically inhibits endothelial cell migration, vascular morphogenesis, and perivascular cell recruitment in vivo. , 2005, Blood.

[67]  T. Haverty,et al.  Biosynthetic and proliferative characteristics of tubulointerstitial fibroblasts probed with paracrine cytokines. , 1992, Kidney international.

[68]  Byung‐Hyun Cha,et al.  Regulation of senescence associated signaling mechanisms in chondrocytes for cartilage tissue regeneration. , 2016, Osteoarthritis and cartilage.

[69]  A. Theocharis,et al.  In vitro reconstitution of complexes between pro‐matrix metalloproteinase‐9 and the proteoglycans serglycin and versican , 2013, The FEBS journal.

[70]  R. Iozzo,et al.  JCB_200901129 743..754 , 2009 .

[71]  Z. Werb,et al.  Matrix metalloproteinases in stem cell regulation and cancer , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[72]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Biological interplay between proteoglycans and their innate immune receptors in inflammation , 2013, The FEBS journal.

[73]  K. Sekiguchi,et al.  Endorepellin, the Angiostatic Module of Perlecan, Interacts with Both the α2β1 Integrin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) , 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[74]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Proteoglycan neofunctions: regulation of inflammation and autophagy in cancer biology , 2017, The FEBS journal.

[75]  Chuan Wu,et al.  Focal MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity at the blood-brain barrier promotes chemokine-induced leukocyte migration. , 2015, Cell reports.

[76]  L. Soslowsky,et al.  Decorin and biglycan are necessary for maintaining collagen fibril structure, fiber realignment, and mechanical properties of mature tendons. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[77]  Hanmei Xu,et al.  Tumor-related interleukins: old validated targets for new anti-cancer drug development , 2017, Molecular Cancer.

[78]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Proteomic profiling of endorepellin angiostatic activity on human endothelial cells , 2008, Proteome Science.

[79]  P. Zimmermann,et al.  Heparanase activates the syndecan-syntenin-ALIX exosome pathway , 2015, Cell Research.

[80]  R. Iozzo Basement membrane proteoglycans: from cellar to ceiling , 2005, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

[81]  R. Iozzo,et al.  The perlecan-interacting growth factor progranulin regulates ubiquitination, sorting, and lysosomal degradation of sortilin. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[82]  Andrew J. Ewald,et al.  Matrix metalloproteinases and the regulation of tissue remodelling , 2007, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

[83]  M. Foster Basement membranes and autoimmune diseases. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[84]  D. B. Gould,et al.  Genotype-phenotype correlations in pathology caused by collagen type IV alpha 1 and 2 mutations. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[85]  T. Pihlajaniemi,et al.  Collagen XVIII in tissue homeostasis and dysregulation - Lessons learned from model organisms and human patients. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[86]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Biologically Active Decorin Is a Monomer in Solution* , 2004, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[87]  B. Vainer,et al.  Endocytic collagen degradation: a novel mechanism involved in protection against liver fibrosis , 2012, The Journal of pathology.

[88]  B. W. van Balkom,et al.  Exosomes from hypoxic endothelial cells have increased collagen crosslinking activity through up‐regulation of lysyl oxidase‐like 2 , 2015, Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.

[89]  S. Vadon-Le Goff,et al.  BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases synchronize matrix assembly with growth factor activation to promote morphogenesis and tissue remodeling. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[90]  M. Schosserer,et al.  The Dual Role of Cellular Senescence in Developing Tumors and Their Response to Cancer Therapy , 2017, Front. Oncol..

[91]  A. Chandra,et al.  Biomarkers for wound healing and their evaluation. , 2016, Journal of wound care.

[92]  K. J. Grande-Allen,et al.  Decorin-transforming Growth Factor-β Interaction Regulates Matrix Organization and Mechanical Characteristics of Three-dimensional Collagen Matrices* , 2007, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[93]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Proteoglycans regulate autophagy via outside-in signaling: an emerging new concept. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[94]  F. Maquart,et al.  Lumican inhibits angiogenesis by interfering with α2β1 receptor activity and downregulating MMP-14 expression. , 2011, Thrombosis research.

[95]  C. Stuelten,et al.  Extracellular Matrix Proteoglycans Control the Fate of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells* , 2005, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[96]  G. Brayer,et al.  Structural basis of collagen fiber degradation by cathepsin K , 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[97]  S. Apte,et al.  ADAMTS proteins as modulators of microfibril formation and function. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[98]  F. Roubille,et al.  Anti-inflammatory drugs as promising cardiovascular treatments , 2017, Expert review of cardiovascular therapy.

[99]  Y. Itoh Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases: Their functions and regulations. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[100]  A. Nyström,et al.  Cell therapy for basement membrane-linked diseases. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[101]  A. Theocharis,et al.  Insights into the key roles of epigenetics in matrix macromolecules-associated wound healing. , 2017, Advanced drug delivery reviews.

[102]  Yihai Cao,et al.  Impaired Angiogenesis, Delayed Wound Healing and Retarded Tumor Growth in Perlecan Heparan Sulfate-Deficient Mice , 2004, Cancer Research.

[103]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Endorepellin-evoked Autophagy Contributes to Angiostasis * , 2016, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[104]  S. Carr,et al.  Quantitative proteomic profiling of the extracellular matrix of pancreatic islets during the angiogenic switch and insulinoma progression , 2017, Scientific Reports.

[105]  F. Maquart,et al.  Lumican: A new inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase‐14 activity , 2014, FEBS letters.

[106]  P. Hornsby,et al.  Senescent human fibroblasts increase the early growth of xenograft tumors via matrix metalloproteinase secretion. , 2007, Cancer research.

[107]  A. Wells,et al.  Skin tissue repair: Matrix microenvironmental influences. , 2016, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[108]  Marcin J. Skwark,et al.  Discoidin domain receptor 1 kinase activity is required for regulating collagen IV synthesis. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[109]  M. Kowalska,et al.  Lumican Inhibits SNAIL-Induced Melanoma Cell Migration Specifically by Blocking MMP-14 Activity , 2016, PloS one.

[110]  S. Higashiyama,et al.  Stimulated release and functional activity of surface expressed metalloproteinase ADAM17 in exosomes. , 2016, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

[111]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Endorepellin, the C-terminal angiostatic module of perlecan, enhances collagen-platelet responses via the α2β1-integrin receptor , 2007 .

[112]  M. Lisanti,et al.  Decorin Antagonizes the Angiogenic Network , 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[113]  J. Heino,et al.  Lumican inhibits cell migration through α2β1 integrin. , 2010, Experimental cell research.

[114]  S. Courtneidge,et al.  Invadosomes are coming: new insights into function and disease relevance , 2018, The FEBS journal.

[115]  W. Parks,et al.  Metalloproteinases: A parade of functions in matrix biology and an outlook for the future. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[116]  J. Gil,et al.  Mechanisms and functions of cellular senescence. , 2018, The Journal of clinical investigation.

[117]  M. Chwastyniak,et al.  Senescent Fibroblasts Enhance Early Skin Carcinogenic Events via a Paracrine MMP-PAR-1 Axis , 2013, PloS one.

[118]  C. Harley,et al.  Telomerase expression restores dermal integrity to in vitro-aged fibroblasts in a reconstituted skin model. , 2000, Experimental cell research.

[119]  A. Moustakas,et al.  Serglycin promotes breast cancer cell aggressiveness: Induction of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, proteolytic activity and IL-8 signaling. , 2018, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[120]  G. Taraboletti,et al.  Cathepsin B mediates the pH-dependent proinvasive activity of tumor-shed microvesicles. , 2008, Neoplasia.

[121]  A. Theocharis,et al.  EMMPRIN/CD147-encriched membrane vesicles released from malignant human testicular germ cells increase MMP production through tumor-stroma interaction. , 2014, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

[122]  R. Iozzo,et al.  A current view of perlecan in physiology and pathology: A mosaic of functions. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[123]  A. Gaggar,et al.  MMP generated matrikines. , 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[124]  Sylvain D. Vallet,et al.  Decorin interacting network: A comprehensive analysis of decorin-binding partners and their versatile functions. , 2016, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[125]  L. Juliano,et al.  Cathepsin B Activity Regulation , 2001, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[126]  A. Aletras,et al.  Cell–matrix interactions: focus on proteoglycan–proteinase interplay and pharmacological targeting in cancer , 2014, The FEBS journal.

[127]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Endorepellin Evokes Autophagy in Endothelial Cells* , 2014, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[128]  J. Campisi,et al.  Cellular senescence: when bad things happen to good cells , 2007, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

[129]  R. Miller Mechanical properties of basement membrane in health and disease. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[130]  C. Gialeli,et al.  Roles of matrix metalloproteinases in cancer progression and their pharmacological targeting , 2011, The FEBS journal.

[131]  D. Birk,et al.  The regulatory roles of small leucine‐rich proteoglycans in extracellular matrix assembly , 2013, The FEBS journal.

[132]  J. Uitto,et al.  Molecular pathology of the basement membrane zone in heritable blistering diseases:: The paradigm of epidermolysis bullosa. , 2017, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[133]  A. Pozzi,et al.  Discoidin domain receptors in disease. , 2014, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

[134]  A. Pshezhetsky,et al.  Caspase-3 Activation Triggers Extracellular Cathepsin L Release and Endorepellin Proteolysis* , 2008, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[135]  Judith Campisi,et al.  Senescent cells as a source of inflammatory factors for tumor progression , 2010, Cancer and Metastasis Reviews.

[136]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Decorin: a guardian from the matrix. , 2012, The American journal of pathology.

[137]  R. Iozzo,et al.  Decorin-evoked paternally expressed gene 3 (PEG3) is an upstream regulator of the transcription factor EB (TFEB) in endothelial cell autophagy , 2017, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.