The Minimum Residual Method of Factor Analysis

Thus, al is a function of the remaining factor loadings, excluding itself, and the correlations which variable i has with the other variables. If an initial estimated factor vector A is assumed, estimates of the 4 values may be obtained by the use of Equations [ 2 ] . This can give rise to a n interative process in which the newly estimated A vector can in turn be substituted in Equations [2] to obtain still another estimate. A n iterative process is of value only if (1) i t converges to an acceptable solution, and ( 2 ) convergence occurs rapidly enough to make the computations reasonable. In extensive applications of this method to date, no difficulry has been encountered i n obtaining satisfactory convergence until after the normal number of factors has been extracted. Convergence does not take place in the typical manner, however. If we substitute an initial trial vector, obtain an iterated vector, substitute the iterated vector to obtain a second iterated vector, and so on, convergence appears to take place about two saddle