A Game Theoretic Framework for Model Based Reinforcement Learning

Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) has recently gained immense interest due to its potential for sample efficiency and ability to incorporate off-policy data. However, designing stable and efficient MBRL algorithms using rich function approximators have remained challenging. To help expose the practical challenges in MBRL and simplify algorithm design from the lens of abstraction, we develop a new framework that casts MBRL as a game between: (1) a policy player, which attempts to maximize rewards under the learned model; (2) a model player, which attempts to fit the real-world data collected by the policy player. For algorithm development, we construct a Stackelberg game between the two players, and show that it can be solved with approximate bi-level optimization. This gives rise to two natural families of algorithms for MBRL based on which player is chosen as the leader in the Stackelberg game. Together, they encapsulate, unify, and generalize many previous MBRL algorithms. Furthermore, our framework is consistent with and provides a clear basis for heuristics known to be important in practice from prior works. Finally, through experiments we validate that our proposed algorithms are highly sample efficient, match the asymptotic performance of model-free policy gradient, and scale gracefully to high-dimensional tasks like dexterous hand manipulation.

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