Report on the annual summer meeting of the New Zealand mathematics research institute

A lovely tradition started in the mid-1990's in New Zealand. Each January, the mathematics research community converges in some scenic location (with which New Zealan d abounds) and enjoys a series of first-rate lectures on some selected mathematical topic. This year the event was organized by Rod Downey and Denis Hirschfeldt of Victori a University, Wellington. The chosen topic was one that the SIGACT community holds near and dear: Computability, Complexity, and Computational Algebr a Festivities spanned eight days, with two or three lectures most mornings and evenings, an d free time in the afternoons (and all day on Wednesday) to explore marine wildlife, th e dramatic coastal landscape, and forested mountains around the small town of Kaikoura, o n the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, north of Christchurch. It was truly one of the most enjoyable workshops that I have attended. Let me note that the organizers took pains to encourage faculty and graduate students to bring their familie s 60