MicroProfiler: Principled Side-Channel Mitigation through Microarchitectural Profiling

Preventing information leakage through microarchitectural side channels is notoriously challenging and, as a result, an important research question. Recent work has shown the viability of compiler-assisted instruction balancing for small, embedded processors with deterministic timing behavior. However, even in such small processors, more subtle microarchitectural side channels continue to be discovered, complicating mitigation efforts.We propose a methodology for augmenting an existing instruction set architecture (ISA) specification with instruction-specific microarchitectural leakage traces obtained through principled microarchitectural profiling. Building on this augmented ISA, it becomes possible to construct software tools to detect and mitigate certain side-channel vulnerabilities. As a case study, we instantiate our methodology on a recently uncovered microarchitectural side channel, which is based on cycle-level timing differences of direct memory access (DMA) requests on 16-bit openMSP430 processors. Using the augmented ISA obtained for this side channel through microarchitectural profiling, we develop practical attack scenarios and extend a state-of-the-art compiler-based mitigation and a binary validation tool, both of which originally targeted a coarser-grained, instruction-granular side channel. Our benchmarks show that our extended compiler mitigation, while still mitigating the instruction-granular leakage, also eliminates the cycle-accurate DMA information leakage without incurring any additional overhead.

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