Application of Taguchi technique to investigation of geometry and position of V-ring indenter in fine-blanking process

One of the special features of the fine-blanking process is the use of the V-ring indenter. The V-ring geometry, namely its angle and height, in addition to its position, affects features of the fine-blanked surface. In this study, the finite element (FE) simulation, the Taguchi technique, and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques were carried out to investigate the degree of importance of V-ring indenter parameters. The results indicated that the height and position of the V-ring indenter have a major influence on the fine-blanking process, followed by the V-ring indenter angle. The combination of the FE-simulation, the Taguchi method, and the ANOVA technique was an effective tool to predict the degree of importance of the V-ring indenter parameters in the fine-blanking process, in addition to facilitating an improvement in the quality of the fine-blanked parts by optimization of these V-ring indenter parameters.