Combining Theoretical and Physical Laboratory Modelling in the Development of Real Time Control Algorithms
Water industries worldwide are becoming increasingly interested, due to the recent improvements in the devices, methodologies and tools available, in the development and utilisation of Real Time Monitoring/Control (RT-M/C) applications. The University of Sheffield Pennine Water Group is currently researching the development of RT-M/C solutions for wastewater systems and the minimisation of urban flooding impact within the United Kingdom. These solutions are being developed, utilising quasi-steady state methodology, by the combining and utilisation of data, from both a novel laboratory scale prototype research apparatus, as shown in Figure 1, and theoretical mathematical analysis/Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
![Figure 1][1]
Figure 1
The project will ultimately centre on the development of a suite of RT- M/C algorithms/Flood Risk decision support tools (FRDST), which can be applied, with confidence to real world applications. Initial phases of the project centred on the development of the laboratory facility, and the enhancement of current system understanding in terms of hydraulic functionality, and its impact upon the transportation of soluble pollutants. This impact upon pollutant transportation has been quantified (by laboratory experimentation) in terms of the ‘dominating’ (backwater) effects of converging dry weather (type) and storm (type) flows due to the presence of a (simple) sewer manhole junction. These dominating effects are hypothesised to be due to the combined parameters of angle of inlet (of dry weather/base flows), the magnitude of the base flow rate and the ratio of the base flow rate to the joining storm flow rate. The effect upon pollution (mass) transportation has been shown to mirror the magnitude of the backwater effects, thus allowing the hypothesis, that hydraulic effects alone should form the foundation of any subsequent development of RT-M/C algorithms/FRDST. Further to this it is also hypothesised that the resulting model could confidently be applied to systems understanding/control in terms of hydraulic performance in general, and the minimising (through adopted DST) of flood risk at key sewer system junctions. Particularly in terms of environmental protection schemes and cost minimising strategies.
[1]: pending:yes
[1] P. Vanrolleghem,et al. Real time control of urban wastewater systems: where do we stand today? , 2004 .
[3] Adrian J. Saul,et al. Specific relationships for the first flush load in combined sewer flows , 1996 .