Evaluating Small Scale, Grid Connected Wind

In this paper, the potential of utilizing wind and solar Private Distributed Generation (PDG) for utility interactive systems is investigated for 11 selected stations (sites) in Jordan. Six customer categories are considered: residential, office, commercial mall, school, hospital and hotel. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of utilizing different grid connected PDG under different conditions such as their location, size, served building category, number of people who share and own the equipment and system type whether wind, solar or hybrid based. It was found that solar systems are still not attractive for all locations due to their associated high cost, while wind systems would vary widely depending on the customer category, location and the size of the equipment. Based on the Benefit to Cost Ratio criterion, the most attractive sites for installing wind PDGS for residential communities are Ras Muneef, Mafraq, Aqaba, Irbid and H5, while it doesn’t seem attractive at Amman, Shoubak, Ghor Essafi, Deir Alla, Maan and H4. On the other hand, the wind on-grid PDGS is very attractive at Ras Muneef, Mafraq and Aqaba for commercial buildings, less attractive at H5 and Irbid, while it’s not attractive at the other sites. The attraction for hybrid PDG systems is closer to those of wind systems alone.