Avaliação de regras de sequenciamento da produção em ambientes Job shop e Flow shop por meio de simulação computacional Evaluation of production sequencing rules in Job shop and Flow shop environments through computer simulation

In this work, the computational simulation is employed to study the effects of production sequencing rules in the performance of Job shop and Flow shop manufacturing environments. Eight sequencing rules were considered: SIPT (Shortest Imminent Processing Time), EDD (Earliest Due Date), DLS (Dynamic Least Slack), LWQ (Least Work in next Queue), FIFO (First In First Out), LIFO (Last In Last Out), CR (Critical Ratio) and LS (Least Slack). These different sequencing rules were evaluated in relation to the makespan, total tardiness and number of tardy jobs, considering an experimental scenario which includes two configurations with eight machines (processes) and ten different types of orders. A simulation model was developed with Arena software, incorporating randomness of order arrivals and the production times in such environments. The results show that the EDD and SIPT rules presented the best performances in the Job shop and in the Flow shop environments, respectively.