Using the DISCRETE Edit System for ACS Surveys

The American Community Survey (ACS), as part of the decennial program, is an on-going survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau that provides accurate and up-to-date pro les of America's Communities every year. The goals of the ACS are to (1) provide federal, state, and local governments an information base for the administration and evaluation of government programs; (2) simplify the Census 2010 by replacing the long form and allow resources to be focused entirely on counting the population; (3) provide data users with timely demographic, housing, social, and economic data updated every year that can be compared across states, communities, and population groups. Full implementation of the survey would begin in 2003 in every county of the United States. The survey would include three million households. The edit methodology described in this paper together with a separate imputation method is a pilot study for the full implemenation of the survey. Therefore, this study only deals with the questions of sex (sex), age (age), householder relationship (hhr), marital status (ms), and race (race).