Hainan nuclear power plant (HNPP) is the first nuclear power plant built on China’s Hainan Island. Therefore the nuclear fuel assemblies must transport through the Qiongzhou Strait.There are two transportation plans to be used in crossing strait transportation of the fuel assemblies. One plan is railway ferry stretching across sea; the other is road vehicular crossing strait on roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) ships.According to crossing strait transportation scenario and statistical analysis of sea transport accidents in Qiongzhou Strait, three ferrying transportation accidents are considered in this paper. Through research of ship-to-ship collision, fire and sunk, the following conclusions: Collision, fire or foundered are not caused by the leakage of radioactive material, the environmental impact is very small. The accident hazards of crossing strait transportation does not lie in the radiological consequences, but in the effects of public psychology and international repercussions.Copyright © 2013 by ASME