Web Tutorials
Abstract Libraries are adding electronic resources of all kinds at an increasing pace to provide service to users outside the library and around the world. To meet this new demand, libraries are turning more and more to the use of online tutorials as a valuable means of providing instruction on how to access and use important resources. This article describes the Health Sciences Library and Biocommunications Center's work and experiences while creating tutorials, the ideas used, and ways the work was evaluated.
[1] Doug Suarez. Designing the Web Interface for Library Instruction Tutorials Using Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Coursebuilder. (Tutorials) , 2002 .
[2] Daniel Fidel Ferrer. try today's Hip technology portable FLASH drives , 2003 .
[3] Lynne Rutter,et al. InfoSkills: a holistic approach to on-line user education , 2002, Electron. Libr..