Guidelines For The Diagnosis And Management Of Asthma

These guideli es are pro ided to assist physi ia s a d other li i ia s i aki g decisions regarding the care of their patients. They are not a substitute for individual judgment brought to each clinical situation by the patie t’s pri ary are pro ider i olla oratio ith the patie t. As with all clinical reference resources, they reflect the best understanding of the science of medicine at the time of publication, but should be used with the lear u dersta di g that o ti ued resear h ay result i e k o ledge a d re o e datio s.

[1]  J. Kemp,et al.  Prolonged effect of inhaled salmeterol against exercise-induced bronchospasm. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[2]  Investigating severe and fatal asthma. , 1994, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[3]  Domiciliary air filtration units, symptoms and lung function in atopic asthmatics. , 1994, Respiratory medicine.

[4]  W. Henderson The Role of Leukotrienes in Inflammation , 1994, Annals of Internal Medicine.

[5]  P. Högger,et al.  Binding kinetics of fluticasone propionate to the human glucocorticoid receptor , 1994, Steroids.

[6]  M. Zureik,et al.  Lung deposition of budesonide from Turbuhaler is twice that from a pressurized metered-dose inhaler P-MDI. , 1994, The European respiratory journal.

[7]  C. Rodrigo,et al.  Treatment of acute asthma. Lack of therapeutic benefit and increase of the toxicity from aminophylline given in addition to high doses of salbutamol delivered by metered-dose inhaler with a spacer. , 1994, Chest.

[8]  C. O’Callaghan,et al.  Delivery of beclomethasone dipropionate from a spacer device: what dose is available for inhalation? , 1994, Thorax.

[9]  T. Haahtela,et al.  Effects of reducing or discontinuing inhaled budesonide in patients with mild asthma. , 1994, The New England journal of medicine.

[10]  S. Spector,et al.  Effects of 6 weeks of therapy with oral doses of ICI 204,219, a leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist, in subjects with bronchial asthma. ACCOLATE Asthma Trialists Group. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[11]  D. Tuxen Permissive hypercapnic ventilation. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.


[13]  S. Godfrey,et al.  Assessment of the ability of young children to use a powder inhaler device (Turbuhaler) , 1994, Pediatric pulmonology.

[14]  S. O'Hickey,et al.  High-dose nedocromil sodium as an addition to inhaled corticosteroids in the treatment of asthma. , 1994, Respiratory medicine.

[15]  P. Ind,et al.  Added salmeterol versus higher-dose corticosteroid in asthma patients with symptoms on existing inhaled corticosteroid , 1994, The Lancet.

[16]  L. Crossland,et al.  Community-based asthma care: trial of a "credit card" asthma self-management plan. , 1994, The European respiratory journal.

[17]  B. Ostro,et al.  Indoor air pollution and asthma. Results from a panel study. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[18]  B. Mullen,et al.  A meta-analysis of the effect of oral and inhaled corticosteroids on growth. , 1994, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[19]  L. Brochard,et al.  Nebulized versus intravenous albuterol in hypercapnic acute asthma. A multicenter, double-blind, randomized study. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[20]  A. Boner,et al.  Effective allergen avoidance at high altitude reduces allergen-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[21]  P. L. Le Souëf,et al.  Evaluation of SaO2 as a predictor of outcome in 280 children presenting with acute asthma. , 1994, Annals of emergency medicine.

[22]  M. Ip,et al.  Decreased bone mineral density in premenopausal asthma patients receiving long-term inhaled steroids. , 1994, Chest.

[23]  Bidirectional Effects of Interleukin-1 on Immune Responses in Rhesus Monkeys , 1994, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

[24]  Y Kikuchi,et al.  Chemosensitivity and perception of dyspnea in patients with a history of near-fatal asthma. , 1994, The New England journal of medicine.

[25]  S. Rennard,et al.  Salmeterol xinafoate as maintenance therapy compared with albuterol in patients with asthma. , 1994, JAMA.

[26]  Inhibition of exercise‐induced‐asthma (EIA) by nedocromil sodium and sodium cromoglycate in children , 1994, Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

[27]  H. Simon,et al.  High altitude climate therapy reduces peripheral blood T lymphocyte activation, eosinophilia, and bronchial obstruction in children with house‐dust mite allergic asthma , 1994, Pediatric pulmonology.

[28]  P. Leblanc,et al.  A comparison of fluticasone propionate 200 μg/day with beclomethasone dipropionate 400 μg/day in adult asthma , 1994, Allergy.

[29]  B. Lipworth,et al.  Reduced protection against exercise induced bronchoconstriction after chronic dosing with salmeterol. , 1994, Respiratory medicine.

[30]  S. Pedersen,et al.  Effects of long-term treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid on growth and pulmonary function in asthmatic children. , 1994, Respiratory medicine.

[31]  M R Taylor Asthma: audit of peak flow rate guidelines for admission and discharge. , 1994, Archives of disease in childhood.

[32]  C. Page,et al.  Anti-inflammatory effects of low-dose oral theophylline in atopic asthma , 1994, The Lancet.

[33]  R A Etzel,et al.  Exacerbations of childhood asthma and ozone pollution in Atlanta. , 1994, Environmental research.

[34]  A. Cartier,et al.  Patient handling of a multidose dry powder inhalation device for albuterol. , 1994, Chest.

[35]  C. G. Langdon,et al.  Pulmicort Turbohaler once daily as initial prophylactic therapy for asthma. , 1994, Respiratory medicine.

[36]  N. Pearce,et al.  β-Agonist Use and Death from Asthma , 1994 .

[37]  A. Thapar Educating asthmatic patients in primary care: a pilot study of small group education. , 1994, Family practice.

[38]  A. Buist,et al.  A cohort analysis of excess mortality in asthma and the use of inhaled beta-agonists. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[39]  W. Lenney,et al.  Prednisolone and salbutamol in the hospital treatment of acute asthma. , 1994, Archives of disease in childhood.

[40]  J. G. Douglas,et al.  Reducing hospital admission through computer supported education for asthma patients , 1994, BMJ.

[41]  S. Dahlén,et al.  The leukotriene-antagonist ICI-204,219 inhibits the early airway reaction to cumulative bronchial challenge with allergen in atopic asthmatics. , 1994, The European respiratory journal.

[42]  R K Griffiths,et al.  Temporal association between hospital admissions for asthma in Birmingham and ambient levels of sulphur dioxide and smoke. , 1994, Thorax.

[43]  V. Bonagura,et al.  Aminophylline therapy does not improve outcome and increases adverse effects in children hospitalized with acute asthmatic exacerbations. , 1994, Pediatrics.

[44]  N. Hanania,et al.  Medical personnel's knowledge of and ability to use inhaling devices. Metered-dose inhalers, spacing chambers, and breath-actuated dry powder inhalers. , 1994, Chest.

[45]  B. Ekholm,et al.  Evaluation of conventional press-and-breathe metered-dose inhaler technique in 501 patients. , 1994, The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.

[46]  H. Sampson,et al.  Respiratory reactions provoked by double-blind food challenges in children. , 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[47]  L. Hendeles,et al.  Does Aminophylline Benefit Adults Admitted to the Hospital for an Acute Exacerbation of Asthma? , 1993, Annals of Internal Medicine.

[48]  R. Lin,et al.  Continuous versus intermittent albuterol nebulization in the treatment of acute asthma. , 1993, Annals of emergency medicine.

[49]  J. Mazur,et al.  Comparison of intermittent and continuously nebulized albuterol for treatment of asthma in an urban emergency department. , 1993, Annals of emergency medicine.

[50]  A. Wilson,et al.  A device for overcoming discoordination with metered-dose inhalers. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[51]  K. Chapman,et al.  Pharmacist knowledge and ability to use inhaled medication delivery systems. , 1993, Chest.

[52]  E. Israel,et al.  The pivotal role of 5-lipoxygenase products in the reaction of aspirin-sensitive asthmatics to aspirin. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[53]  S. R. Wynn,et al.  Effect of heating-ventilation-air conditioning system sanitation on airborne fungal populations in residential environments. , 1993, Annals of allergy.

[54]  B. Kang,et al.  Atopic profile of inner-city asthma with a comparative analysis on the cockroach-sensitive and ragweed-sensitive subgroups. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[55]  R. Dahl,et al.  A Dose-Ranging Study of Fluticasone Propionate in Adult Patients With Moderate Asthma , 1993 .

[56]  M. Hughes,et al.  Cessation of long-term treatment with inhaled corticosteroid (budesonide) in children with asthma results in deterioration. The Dutch CNSLD Study Group. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[57]  M. Berger,et al.  Cost-effectiveness of a structured treatment and teaching programme on asthma. , 1993, The European respiratory journal.

[58]  A. Boner,et al.  Antigen avoidance in a mountain environment: influence on basophil releasability in children with allergic asthma. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[59]  W. Busse What role for inhaled steroids in chronic asthma? , 1993, Chest.

[60]  D. McKenzie,et al.  Controlled trial evaluation of an asthma education programme for adults. , 1993, Thorax.

[61]  E. Flannery,et al.  Atopy in childhood. II. Relationship to airway responsiveness, hay fever and asthma , 1993, Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

[62]  C. Rodrigo,et al.  Assessment of the patient with acute asthma in the emergency department. A factor analytic study. , 1993, Chest.

[63]  K. Nicholson,et al.  Respiratory viruses and exacerbations of asthma in adults. , 1993, BMJ.

[64]  A. Frew Injection immunotherapy. British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Working Party. , 1993, BMJ.

[65]  D. Cockcroft,et al.  Regular inhaled salbutamol and airway responsiveness to allergen , 1993, The Lancet.

[66]  P. Barnes,et al.  Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Corticosteroids in Asthma , 1993 .

[67]  W. Pierson,et al.  Pulmonary function changes in children associated with fine particulate matter. , 1993, Environmental research.

[68]  M. Papo,et al.  A prospective, randomized study of continuous versus intermittent nebulized albuterol for severe status asthmaticus in children , 1993, Critical care medicine.

[69]  A. Woolcock,et al.  An evaluation of an asthma quality of life questionnaire as a measure of change in adults with asthma. , 1993, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

[70]  G. Crompton,et al.  Systemic effects of high dose inhaled steroids: comparison of beclomethasone dipropionate and budesonide in healthy subjects. , 1993, Thorax.

[71]  S. Fuchs,et al.  Controlled trial of oral prednisone in the emergency department treatment of children with acute asthma. , 1993, Pediatrics.

[72]  M. Singh,et al.  Continuous nebulised salbutamol and oral once a day prednisolone in status asthmaticus. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[73]  M. Cheang,et al.  Absence of posterior subcapsular cataracts in young patients treated with inhaled glucocorticoids , 1993, The Lancet.

[74]  M. Afilalo,et al.  A comparison of albuterol administered by metered dose inhaler (and holding chamber) or wet nebulizer in acute asthma. , 1993, Chest.

[75]  C. Feldman,et al.  Determinants of near fatality in acute severe asthma. , 1993, The American journal of medicine.

[76]  R. Strunk Death due to asthma. New insights into sudden unexpected deaths, but the focus remains on prevention. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[77]  Circumstances surrounding deaths from asthma in Cook County (Chicago) Illinois. , 1993, Allergy proceedings : the official journal of regional and state allergy societies.

[78]  I. K. Todd,et al.  Magnesium bolus or infusion fails to improve expiratory flow in acute asthma exacerbations. , 1993, Chest.

[79]  W. Lenney,et al.  Use of budesonide in severe asthmatics aged 1-3 years. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[80]  M. McDermott,et al.  Aminophylline in the treatment of acute asthma when beta 2-adrenergics and steroids are provided. , 1993, Archives of internal medicine.

[81]  T. Mahr,et al.  Allergist influence on asthma care. , 1993, Annals of allergy.

[82]  H. Teichtahl,et al.  Intravenous aminophylline confers no benefit in acute asthma treated with intravenous steroids and inhaled bronchodilators. , 1993, Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine.

[83]  M. Gold,et al.  Comparison of the efficacy and safety of inhaled fluticasone propionate 200 micrograms/day with inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate 400 micrograms/day in mild and moderate asthma. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[84]  D. Newnham,et al.  Salmeterol provides prolonged protection against exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in a majority of subjects with mild, stable asthma. , 1993, Respiratory Medicine.

[85]  S. Lal,et al.  Nedocromil sodium is more effective than cromolyn sodium for the treatment of chronic reversible obstructive airway disease. , 1993, Chest.

[86]  H. O'brodovich,et al.  Efficacy of albuterol administered by nebulizer versus spacer device in children with acute asthma. , 1993, The Journal of pediatrics.

[87]  L. Fabbri,et al.  Comparison of fluticasone propionate with beclomethasone dipropionate in moderate to severe asthma treated for one year. International Study Group. , 1993, Thorax.

[88]  R. Lockey,et al.  Survey of fatalities from skin testing and immunotherapy 1985-1989. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[89]  K. Offord,et al.  Aerosol beclomethasone dipropionate compared with theophylline as primary treatment of chronic, mild to moderately severe asthma in children. , 1993, Pediatrics.

[90]  B. Clark General pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology of nedocromil sodium. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[91]  D. Ostrow,et al.  Assessment of Patient Acceptance and Inhalation Technique of a Pressurized Aerosol Inhaler and Two Breath-Actuated Devices , 1993, The Annals of pharmacotherapy.

[92]  S. Pedersen,et al.  Importance of the inhalation device on the effect of budesonide. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[93]  D. Evans To help patients control asthma the clinician must be a good listener and teacher. , 1993, Thorax.

[94]  W. Lenney,et al.  Use of pulse oximetry in the hospital management of acute asthma in childhood , 1993, Pediatric pulmonology.

[95]  F. Stancavage,et al.  A controlled trial of two forms of self-management education for adults with asthma. , 1993, The American journal of medicine.

[96]  G. Marone,et al.  A comparison of fluticasone propionate, 1 mg daily, with beclomethasone dipropionate, 2 mg daily, in the treatment of severe asthma. International Study Group. , 1993, The European respiratory journal.

[97]  C. Salome,et al.  Evaluation of a community‐based asthma management program in a population sample of schoolchildren , 1993, The Medical journal of Australia.

[98]  S. Weller,et al.  Acculturation and Compliance with Medical Therapy , 1993, Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.

[99]  A. Tattersfield,et al.  Steroid sparing effect of nedocromil sodium in asthmatic patients on high doses of inhaled steroids , 1993, Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

[100]  S. Spiro,et al.  Lung deposition patterns of directly labelled salbutamol in normal subjects and in patients with reversible airflow obstruction. , 1993, Thorax.

[101]  W. Castle,et al.  Serevent nationwide surveillance study: comparison of salmeterol with salbutamol in asthmatic patients who require regular bronchodilator treatment. , 1993, BMJ.

[102]  A. Milner,et al.  An assessment of a new breath actuated inhaler device in acutely wheezy children. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[103]  S. Szefler,et al.  Efficacy and safety of low-dose troleandomycin therapy in children with severe, steroid-requiring asthma. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[104]  J. A. Siddorn,et al.  Respiratory arrests in young asthmatics on salmeterol. , 1993, Respiratory medicine.

[105]  W. Pierson,et al.  Particulate air pollution and hospital emergency room visits for asthma in Seattle. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[106]  D. Hendrick,et al.  Changes in bronchoalveolar lavage inflammatory cells in asthmatic patients treated with high dose inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate. , 1993, The European respiratory journal.

[107]  M. Chapman,et al.  The effect of vacuum cleaners on the concentration and particle size distribution of airborne cat allergen. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[108]  J. Warner,et al.  Double blind trial of ionisers in children with asthma sensitive to the house dust mite. , 1993, Thorax.

[109]  B. Davies A comparison of beclomethasone dipropionate and budesonide in the treatment of asthma. , 1993, The British journal of clinical practice.

[110]  A. Idris,et al.  Emergency department treatment of severe asthma. Metered-dose inhaler plus holding chamber is equivalent in effectiveness to nebulizer. , 1993, Chest.

[111]  M. Chapman,et al.  Sensitization and exposure to indoor allergens as risk factors for asthma among patients presenting to hospital. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[112]  S. Krug,et al.  Hospital treatment of asthma: lack of benefit from theophylline given in addition to nebulized albuterol and intravenously administered corticosteroid. , 1993, The Journal of pediatrics.

[113]  S. Godfrey,et al.  Treatment of severe steroid dependent preschool asthma with nebulised budesonide suspension. , 1993, Archives of disease in childhood.

[114]  C. Pickering,et al.  Double-blind trial of steroid tapering in acute asthma , 1993, The Lancet.

[115]  H. Nelson,et al.  A double-blind study of troleandomycin and methylprednisolone in asthmatic subjects who require daily corticosteroids. , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[116]  J. Baskerville,et al.  Association of ocular cataracts with inhaled and oral steroid therapy during long-term treatment of asthma. , 1993, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[117]  J. Palmer,et al.  Twelve month comparison of salmeterol and salbutamol as dry powder formulations in asthmatic patients. European Study Group. , 1993, Thorax.

[118]  R. Kessler,et al.  Unconventional medicine in the United States. Prevalence, costs, and patterns of use. , 1993, The New England journal of medicine.

[119]  S. Zedda,et al.  Toluene diisocyanate induced asthma: outcome according to persistence or cessation of exposure. , 1993, British journal of industrial medicine.

[120]  A. Buist,et al.  Is the association between inhaled beta-agonist use and life-threatening asthma because of confounding by severity? , 1993, The American review of respiratory disease.

[121]  R. N. Brogden,et al.  Nedocromil sodium. An updated review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy in asthma. , 1993, Drugs.

[122]  The association between beta-agonist use and death from asthma. A meta-analytic integration of case-control studies. , 1993, JAMA.

[123]  D. Abbey,et al.  Long-term ambient concentrations of total suspended particulates, ozone, and sulfur dioxide and respiratory symptoms in a nonsmoking population. , 1993, Archives of environmental health.

[124]  M. Chapman,et al.  Risk factors for asthma in inner city children. , 1992, The Journal of pediatrics.

[125]  W. R. Beam,et al.  Timing of prednisone and alterations of airways inflammation in nocturnal asthma. , 1992, The American review of respiratory disease.

[126]  D. Postma,et al.  A comparison of bronchodilator therapy with or without inhaled corticosteroid therapy for obstructive airways disease. Dutch Chronic Non-Specific Lung Disease Study Group. , 1992, The New England journal of medicine.

[127]  J. Kemp,et al.  A comparison of salmeterol with albuterol in the treatment of mild-to-moderate asthma. , 1992, The New England journal of medicine.

[128]  P. Newacheck,et al.  Impact of childhood asthma on health. , 1992, Pediatrics.

[129]  A. Zwinderman,et al.  Long-term effects of a long-acting beta 2-adrenoceptor agonist, salmeterol, on airway hyperresponsiveness in patients with mild asthma. , 1992, The New England journal of medicine.

[130]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  A multi-year study of air pollution and respiratory hospital admissions in three New York State metropolitan areas: results for 1988 and 1989 summers. , 1992, Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology.

[131]  J. Lötvall,et al.  Twelve months, treatment with inhaled salmeterol in asthmatic patients , 1992, Allergy.

[132]  E. Tovey,et al.  The role of water temperature and laundry procedures in reducing house dust mite populations and allergen content of bedding. , 1992, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[133]  J. Palmer,et al.  A twelve month comparison of salmeterol with salbutamol in asthmatic patients. European Study Group. , 1992, The European respiratory journal.

[134]  M. Hughes,et al.  Effects of 22 months of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids and/or beta-2-agonists on lung function, airway responsiveness, and symptoms in children with asthma. The Dutch Chronic Non-specific Lung Disease Study Group. , 1992, The American review of respiratory disease.

[135]  H. Sampson,et al.  Fatal and near-fatal anaphylactic reactions to food in children and adolescents. , 1992, The New England journal of medicine.

[136]  Prevention of exercise induced asthma by inhaled salmeterol xinafoate. , 1992, Archives of disease in childhood.

[137]  W. Busse,et al.  Bronchodilation with a potent and selective leukotriene D4 (LTD4) receptor antagonist (MK-571) in patients with asthma. , 1992, The American review of respiratory disease.

[138]  T. Haahtela,et al.  A comparative study of the effects of an inhaled corticosteroid, budesonide, and a beta 2-agonist, terbutaline, on airway inflammation in newly diagnosed asthma: a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group controlled trial. , 1992, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[139]  H. Puolijoki,et al.  Inhaled beclomethasone decreases serum osteocalcin in postmenopausal asthmatic women. , 1992, Bone.

[140]  B. H. Rowe,et al.  Effectiveness of steroid therapy in acute exacerbations of asthma: a meta-analysis. , 1992, The American journal of emergency medicine.

[141]  S. Pedersen,et al.  Protective effect and duration of action of inhaled formoterol and salbutamol on exercise-induced asthma in children. , 1992, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[142]  P J Lioy,et al.  The effect of ozone associated with summertime photochemical smog on the frequency of asthma visits to hospital emergency departments. , 1992, Environmental research.

[143]  J. Douglas,et al.  Bone density in asthmatic patients taking high dose inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate and intermittent systemic corticosteroids. , 1992, Thorax.

[144]  G. Russell,et al.  Asthma, inhaled corticosteroid treatment, and growth. , 1992, Archives of disease in childhood.

[145]  A. Milner,et al.  Drug delivery from holding chambers with attached facemask. , 1992, Archives of disease in childhood.

[146]  P. Benner,et al.  Clinical markers of asthma severity and risk: importance of subjective as well as objective factors. , 1992, Heart & lung : the journal of critical care.

[147]  P. Jeffery,et al.  Effects of treatment on airway inflammation and thickening of basement membrane reticular collagen in asthma. A quantitative light and electron microscopic study. , 1992, The American review of respiratory disease.

[148]  P. Howarth,et al.  Effect of an inhaled corticosteroid on airway inflammation and symptoms in asthma. , 1992, The American review of respiratory disease.

[149]  S. Rothrock,et al.  Intravenous magnesium for acute asthma: failure to decrease emergency treatment duration or need for hospitalization. , 1992, Annals of emergency medicine.

[150]  G. Guyatt,et al.  Evaluation of impairment of health related quality of life in asthma: development of a questionnaire for use in clinical trials. , 1992, Thorax.

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[152]  Exercise-induced asthma is not associated with mast cell activation or airway inflammation. , 1992, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[153]  P. Barnes,et al.  Tolerance to the nonbronchodilator effects of inhaled beta 2-agonists in asthma. , 1992, The New England journal of medicine.

[154]  A. Verbeek,et al.  Bronchodilator treatment in moderate asthma or chronic bronchitis: continuous or on demand? A randomised controlled study. , 1991, BMJ.

[155]  S. Colan,et al.  Cardiotoxicity during treatment of severe childhood asthma. , 1991, Pediatrics.

[156]  M. Chapman,et al.  Airborne dust mite allergens: comparison of group II allergens with group I mite allergen and cat-allergen Fel d I. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[157]  P. Venge,et al.  The effect of immunotherapy on eosinophil accumulation and production of eosinophil chemotactic activity in the lung of subjects with asthma during natural pollen exposure. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[158]  O. Selroos,et al.  Effect of a volumatic spacer and mouth rinsing on systemic absorption of inhaled corticosteroids from a metered dose inhaler and dry powder inhaler. , 1991, Thorax.

[159]  L. Kuitert,et al.  Intravenous magnesium sulfate in acute, life-threatening asthma. , 1991, Annals of emergency medicine.

[160]  A. Tattersfield,et al.  Effect of inhaled budesonide on bronchial reactivity to histamine, exercise, and eucapnic dry air hyperventilation in patients with asthma. , 1991, Thorax.

[161]  J. Kleijnen,et al.  Acupuncture and asthma: a review of controlled trials. , 1991, Thorax.

[162]  A. Estey,et al.  Comprehension levels of patients reading health information , 1991 .

[163]  J. Baskerville,et al.  Effects of dose and dosing schedule of inhaled budesonide on bone turnover. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[164]  D. Charpin,et al.  Medication requirements and house dust mite exposure in mite‐sensitive asthmatics , 1991, Allergy.

[165]  Nasal CPAP in nonapneic nocturnal asthma. , 1991, Chest.

[166]  S. Clarke,et al.  Improvement of drug delivery with a breath actuated pressurised aerosol for patients with poor inhaler technique. , 1991, Thorax.

[167]  R. Sorva,et al.  Changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in children with asthma inhaling budesonide. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[168]  A Pönkä,et al.  Asthma and low level air pollution in Helsinki. , 1991, Archives of environmental health.

[169]  U. Svendsen,et al.  Inhaled nedocromil sodium as additional treatment to high dose inhaled corticosteroids in the management of bronchial asthma. , 1991, The European respiratory journal.

[170]  J D Spengler,et al.  Respiratory health and PM10 pollution. A daily time series analysis. , 1991, The American review of respiratory disease.

[171]  S. Holgate,et al.  Natural history of asthma in childhood--a birth cohort study. , 1991, Archives of disease in childhood.

[172]  T. Haahtela,et al.  Comparison of a beta 2-agonist, terbutaline, with an inhaled corticosteroid, budesonide, in newly detected asthma. , 1991, The New England journal of medicine.

[173]  S. Szefler Glucocorticoid therapy for asthma: clinical pharmacology. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[174]  C. Madden Regular inhaled beta-agonist treatment in bronchial asthma , 1991 .

[175]  M. Schatz,et al.  Facilitated referral to asthma specialist reduces relapses in asthma emergency room visits. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[176]  M. Chapman,et al.  Airborne cat allergen (Fel d I). Environmental control with the cat in situ. , 1991, The American review of respiratory disease.

[177]  E. Gelfand,et al.  An open-label study of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin in severe childhood asthma. , 1991, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

[178]  C. Dollery,et al.  Effect of cysteinyl-leukotriene receptor antagonist ICI 204.219 on allergen-induced bronchoconstriction and airway hyperreactivity in atopic subjects , 1991, The Lancet.

[179]  A. Rebuck,et al.  Effect of a short course of prednisone in the prevention of early relapse after the emergency room treatment of acute asthma. , 1991, The New England journal of medicine.

[180]  M. Prummel,et al.  Beclomethasone inhalation decreases serum osteocalcin concentrations. , 1991, BMJ.

[181]  J. Baskerville,et al.  Differential effects of inhaled budesonide and oral prednisolone on serum osteocalcin. , 1991, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

[182]  L. Ackerson,et al.  Lack of benefit of methotrexate in severe, steroid-dependent asthma. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study. , 1991, Annals of internal medicine.

[183]  K. Offord,et al.  Exposure to an aeroallergen as a possible precipitating factor in respiratory arrest in young patients with asthma. , 1991, The New England journal of medicine.

[184]  T. Haahtela,et al.  Eosinophilic airway inflammation during exacerbation of asthma and its treatment with inhaled corticosteroid. , 1991, The American review of respiratory disease.

[185]  J. Bellanti,et al.  You Can Control Asthma: evaluation of an asthma education program for hospitalized inner-city children. , 1991, Patient education and counseling.

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