생활체육 테니스지도자의 수업지식이 수업만족 및 참여지속의사에 미치는 영향

Purpose: This study aims to practically define structural relations among sport for all tennis instructors" pedagogical content knowledge, class satisfaction and intention to participate continuously. Methods: To achieve these research aims, members of tennis clubs associated with the Korea Tennis Federation of Sport for All who have received or are receiving six months or more of tennis instruction in the Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Incheon regions were surveyed using quota sampling as part of nonprobability sampling to analyze the valid responses of 557 respondents. The collected data were subjected to base frequency analysis, using the SPSS version 21.0 Windows program. Statistical hypothesis testing was done using the AMOS 18.0 program and involved confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Results: First, the study confirmed that the sport for all tennis instructors" pedagogical content knowledge has a positive effect on class satisfaction of the tennis club members. Second, the sport for all tennis instructors" pedagogical content knowledge turned out to be positively related to the tennis club members’ intention to participate continuously. Third, the class satisfaction of the sport for all tennis club members was reported to positively affect the intention to participate continuously. Conclusion: In conclusion, the professionalism of tennis instructors and their pedagogical content knowledge in particular can encourage the continued participation of tennis club members.