Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training, and Mission Rehearsal: Results of the FY 2002 Culminating Event

Abstract : This report describes the activities and results of the final year culminating event (CE) of the "Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training and Mission Rehearsal" Science and Technology Objective (STO). This STO was conducted jointly by the U.S. Army Research Institute, the U.S. Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM), and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. This four-year effort (FY99-FY02) was focused on overcoming critical technological challenges that prevented high fidelity dismounted soldier simulation. The objectives of the CE were to integrate and evaluate the technologies developed during the year. The key technologies included: a Dismounted Infantry Virtual After Action Review (AAR) System; new behaviors and improved operator control for Dismounted Infantry Semi-Automated Forces (DISAF); soldier control of DISAF through Voice Recognition and Synthesis; enhancements to the soldier simulator, the Soldier Visualization Station (SVS); and a dynamic terrain server. The CE provided a realistic and challenging test of the systems and capabilities under development. The results include lessons learned, feedback from soldiers obtained by questionnaires and group interviews, and observer rating of leader and squad performance. Technological developments over the course of the STO greatly increased the variety and realism of the training situations that could be presented and leader ratings of training effectiveness. Both leader self-ratings and performance scores indicate that soldier skills improved with practice in VE.