Product Development Teams
Contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. T.A. Singleton,Introduction. Research Strategies: F.W. Lange and J.S. Handler , The Ethnohistorical Approach to Slavery. Settlement: K.E. Lewis , Plantation Layout and Function in the south Carolina Lowcountry. C.E. Orser, Jr., and A.M. Nekola , Plantation Settlement from Slavery to Tenancy: An Example from a Piedmont Plantation in South Carolina. Artifact Patterns: F.W. Lange and S.B. Carlson , Distributions of European Earthenwares on Plantations on Barbados, West Indies. L.G. Lewis , The Planter Class: the Archaeological Record at Drayton Hall. S.M. Moore , Social and Economical Status on the Coastal Plantation: An Archaeological Perspective. Foodways: E.J. Reitz, T. Gibbs, and T.A. Rathbun , Archaeological Evidence for Subsistence on Coastal Plantations. Afro-American Traditions: S.L. Jones , The African-American Tradition in Vernacular Architecture. A. Friedlander , Establishing Historical Probabilities for Archaeological Interpretations: Slave Demography of Two Plantations in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1740-1820. T.R. Wheaton and P.H. Garrow , Acculturation and the Archaeological Record in the Carolina Lowcountry. D.V. Armstrong , An Afro-Jamaican Slave Settlement: Archaeological Investigation at Drax Hall. Transformation: T.A. Singleton , Archaeological Implications for Changing Labor Conditions. W.H. Adams and S.D. Smith , Historical Perspectives on Black Tenant Farmer Material Culture: The Henry C. Long General Store Ledger at Waverly Plantation, Mississippi. Index.