철도 및 도로에 기반한 위험물 수송의 위험도 관리 방안에 관한 연구
Because there are a variety of quantities of HAZMATs are produced and obviously the production of them goes together with their transportation, the exposure to HAZMATs is getting increased to the public. In general, the international migration of HAZMATs is transported by shipment and the internal migration is transported by railway and truck vehicles. The intermodalism of HAZMAT is recently increasing between railway and highway. According to the analysis for the railway accident and the road accident, the accidents have been occurring at a specific area repeatedly and similarly. And these characteristics show the needs of concentrative management for the risks in terms of the area accidents occurring frequently. The methods to reduce risk (Risk=Probability×Consequence) have to be developed by incorporating accident probability and consequence. Thus this study anlayzed the degree of risk on the intermodalism between railway and highway. In order to mitigate the degree of risk, a mehod of 7-step risk management in transporting HAZMAT between railway and highway.