Safety Guard: Runtime Enforcement for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: Invited

Due to their safety-critical nature, cyber-physical systems (CPS) must tolerate faults and security attacks to remain fail-operational. However, conventional techniques for improving safety, such as testing and validation, do not meet this requirement, as shown by many of the real-world system failures in recent years, often with major economic and public-safety implications. We aim to improve the safety of critical CPS through synthesis of runtime enforcers, named safety guards, which are reactive components attached to the original systems to protect them against catastrophic failures. That is, even if the system occasionally malfunctions due to unknown defects, transient errors, or malicious attacks, the guard always reacts instantaneously to ensure that the combined system satisfies a predefined set of safety properties, and the deviation from the original system is kept at minimum. We illustrate the main ideas of this approach with examples, discuss the advantages compared to existing approaches, and point out some research challenges.

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