Experimental verification of GFRP slip-form for in-situ application

This study was conducted to assess the field applicability of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) slip-form proposed in previous studies by testing its performance-related properties in various experiments. We compared the initial curing temperature of concrete, which exerts the greatest impact on reducing the construction duration in the slip-form system, with that when using a steel slip-form. We measured the friction force to compare the cross section formability of the two methods. We then conducted a mock-up test on the basis of the experimental results and assessed its usability and field applicability. The GFRP form maintained a higher curing temperature than the steel form, and the difference in the curing temperature was larger with an increase in the air temperature and smaller with a decrease in the air temperature. The slip-up rate in the slip-forming was confirmed to be affected the most by the initial curing temperature of the concrete, whereas the cross-section formability was affected by the friction force and adhesion of the concrete. The results of the experiments verified that the GFRP slip-form efficiently overcomes the drawback of the steel slip-form system and maximizes the advantages of slip-forming.