The Government and Politics of the European Union

List of Tables, Figures, Exhibits and Documents - Preface to the Fourth Edition - List of Abbreviations - Map of the Member States of the European Union - PART 1: THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION - The Transformation of Western Europe - European Integration and the States of Western Europe - The Creation of the European Community - From European Community to European Union - The Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties - PART 2: THE INSTITUTIONS AND POLITICAL ACTORS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION - The Commission - The Council of Ministers - The European Council - The European Parliament - European Union Law and the Court of Justice - Other Institutions and Actors - PART 3: POLICIES AND POLICY PROCESSES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION - Introduction - Policies - Policy Processes - The Budget - Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes - External Relations - National Influences and Controls on European Union Processes - PART 4: STEPPING BACK AND LOOKING FORWARD - Conceptualising and Theorising - Present Realities and Future Prospects - APPENDIX: Tables of Equivalences - Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process - Guide to Further Reading - Bibliography and References - Index