Application of dynamic rod worth measurement in a VVER

Abstract Control rod worth measurement is very important in physical experiments before every cycle of nuclear plants. The traditional method is boron dilution method. DRWM (for Dynamic Rod Worth Measurement) (Chao et al., 2000) is an advanced method developed by Westinghouse and Electric Power Research Center. The main idea is to record the current signals from reactors, which is converted as reactivity by using inverse dynamic method. Besides, corrections are needed to get a good result. In China, an advanced reactivity meter made by China Institute of Atomic Energy is applied in a VVER. VVER is the abbreviation of Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor in Russian. It is one kind of PWR using hexagonal fuel assembly developed by Russia. This paper gives the application of dynamic rod worth measurement in a VVER in Jiangsu Nuclear Plants. The correction coefficient calculations, experimental details and results would be introduced.